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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 11 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:


       Nope, before we were in the E.U. and we got told what to do by them , now we are independent , we can make our own decisions  

    in the E.U. and we got told what to do by them  ?   Nonsense.

    the EU council, with the PM of the UK in it..

    The EU commission, with in it the UK commissioner

    The EU parliament, with UK members in it...


    From 1 JAN 2021 00:00:01.. nobody inside these EU cremia defends British interests.

    Advantage: you British can make your own decisions, but when that means: Schengen visa, international driver licence +_ insurances, WTO-treatment as being a "Third country".. or oh laughter.. all imports from European third countries via the port of Talinn... do not cry then.

    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:


      We dont have to do what Biden says , we are an independent Country and the USA do not Govern us 

    Correct. You just can stay at your tiny isles.

    But for TRADE and other exchanges... it might be Britannia to rule the waves around these isles, but a little outside... wise to listen to the big ones.

    • Like 1
  3. 12 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

    So we cant have a border in Ireland and we cant have a border in the Irish sea.

    Only solution is to remain in the EU's single market.

    Ergo Johnson will have to accept all the EU's demands for allowing access. 

    Will that include freedom of movement?

    When you want to do business in any country, it has to be in accordance with the laws of that country. in case of a dispute, you go to a court in that country.

    Unless... you made a trade agreement with that country.

  4. 12 hours ago, vogie said:

    I don't want to see a border between the US and Mexico but it has got nothing what so-ever to do with me, and just because the President Elect has 1 ounce of Irish blood in him, Ireland has zippo to do with him.

    You forget there is an agreement about the N-S Irish border, with the signature of the UK Prime minister on it and ratified by the UK parliament.

    Or course any other president or lorry driver has anything to say about it, as only.. no cooperation from that president or lorry driver in the future.

    • Like 1
  5. When you want to do business in Thailand / UK / EU / any country, you have to do that in accordance with the law of that country, and in case of a dispute, go top the courts of that country.

    When you sell rights in your county('s waters, like fishing rights, 80% of the Welsch to Spanish fisherman), then you stick to that.

    Only THAT is what Boris c.s. does not want.

    But.. why to negotiate with a government and parliament, who even do not honour their signature under a treaty for 1 year ?

    • Like 1
  6. This Republican president want to break the record of the Democratic president, Roosevelt, for the number of deaths during his administration.  Roosevelt needed 4 years and two terms to reach that, Trump will do it in 3/4 of a  year, one term.  as of March 31, 1946 there were an estimated 286,959 dead. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_military_casualties_of_war#:~:text=As of June 2018 total of US World,Wounded as 103%2C 284 and MIA as 8%2C177. 

    Covid-19: 249.730 per 16 Nov '20 

  7. 11 hours ago, harada said:

    November 2040 ?


    No, that is the date when totally poor England ask for an association with view on membership for the EU. The Gaelic confederation, consisting of S + N Ireland, Scotland and Wales vetoed earlier attempts.

    The English accepted 5 pounds = 1 €uro, the Schwengen-2 agreement, and right lane traffic already.

    • Like 1
  8. When for over 4 years you put not only question marks, but took really every step to bring US governmental bodies in discredit except of course your own indefinite wisdom, your unlimited wisdom, lies about everything, brought is country far in front of the rest of the world in corona mortal casualties and infected, even claim a victory days before all voters are counted, try to stop counting when it turns wrong to you, come with accusations of stealing the vote, crocked, fake etc about the cote counting,  ... sorry, you lost all credibility and should face court.  How deep somebody can sink..

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    Yes, because it's going to be absolutely impossible to buy tomatoes from Spain without an FTA isn't it ????


    With all these countries around the world refusing to trade with each other unless an FTA is in place, it really makes you wonder how China and the EU do a Billion Euros of trade a day without a trade deal, doesn't it. There must be massive queues at all those Chinese ports, all that paperwork, checking every single box in every single container, it must be chaos ????.

    When you have 1.3 BILLION Chinese, who wants a job...



    • Like 1
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  10. Let the democratic system has it's way first.

    And all those, who call "fraude" ? What did YOU do to prevent that ? You were at the counting station  to see ?

    In Netherlands, every citizen is allowed to be present there ( but close to nobody shows up, as we know how correct all is there). Here it is NOT the 'so-called US Democracy". Also, here, we respect each other whether we agree or even detest the ideas of the other ( as long as.. under Dutch constitution, set up in 1848, and in 1983 a re-writing in accordance with the present style.

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, khunjeff said:

    The building only "needs to be demolished" if the owners of the units decide as much. Similarly, there's no "they" to tear down the building - the ones deciding to go forward with the demolition are the owners themselves. As noted above, if the owners collectively decide that the building is no longer habitable and isn't worth rebuilding, the land will be sold, the proceeds distributed to the unit owners, and that will be the end of that.

     Who decides if a building is "no longer habitable"? The (local) government, the monks, the ? ? 

  12. In 2007 I helped my Thai business friend to purchase a condo for herself. My question to a good friend of mine, and in the construction industry about quality of the building, as THAT is my biggest fear: "Lumpini Construction Co: no worry."

    However, after the first "funtok", the rainwater flowed in along the window frame. Was not properly sealed to the wall.

    During  the Tom Yam Khung /Asian financial crises ( 1997) , I read  over 200 buildings towers in Bangkok would NOT be allowed in Netherlands seen the municipal Construction + Building Dept. regulations and rules.

    Second: "maintenance" is NOT the top-priority in Thailand. "who lives tomorrow, cares tomorrow". That's why Thai prefer newly built.

    • Like 1
  13. 234.567 deaths, a 9.302.271 confirmed cases of which 5.567.985 are recovered... who cares ? ( For sure not the US President and his administration ) see https://www.bing.com/search?q=corona+casualties+usa&cvid=afd2351f035b4bc688691ec22012cea7&pglt=547&FORM=ANSPA1&PC=U531 

    To compare: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_military_casualties_of_war 

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  14. 7 hours ago, mr mr said:

    once this is all either over or under control the world economy is going to be decimated. good luck. we are in for a really rough ride over the coming years. 


    peace be with you all. 

    We nearly all did not want to believe what about every virologist, epidemiologist on the world said.

    In January not closed the border with China, in Feb. keep all as open as possible ( the quarantaine in northern Italy so open, a Slovenian TV crew could go in, make a report and.. left again, showing many in that area did the same. Saturday 22 Feb 19:30 at our local RTL-news. 19 Feb the open air football mach Bergamo-Valencia. The rest is history). In March the alarm bells went off, with the discovery: close-to-zero personal protection clothes, preparations non-existing. In UK even a happy-handshake program of Boris. 

    When the virus was nearly pushed out, all forgot all precautions, with result... to be in real deep sh.t now.

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