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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. I suggest you read the thread title. Being better is not the goal.
  2. Does that mean you can ignore the laws of Thailand while you are here as a non-immigrant? Do what you like and just point to the stamp in your passport when arrested? Your visa/permission to stay/immigration status has no bearing whatsoever on your duty to follow all the laws of whatever country you are in. And in this case, the law is quite clear - spend 180 days or more in the country in any calendar year and you are a tax resident for that year, with all the obligations that go with it.
  3. Having a retirement visa here doesn't prevent you from working outside of Thailand.
  4. Chinese guy goes to bank for a loan to start up a new restaurant. He tells bank manager it's going to be an all you can eat Chinese Buffet and only costs £2.00, The loan officer asks how can you make money if you're only charging '£2.00'? Chinese guy says 'that's easy, I only give them 1 chopstick'!
  5. I've just been down to the betting shop and put £100 on Armageddon occurring some time this year. I figured if I lose my money it won't be the end of the world.
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