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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Given the ongoing global shipping container shortage, Mexico must be paying a fortune to buy all these ones in order to build the wall.
  2. Maybe Trump did have a point when he called for the termination of the constitution. They should have a trial period by dismantling it bit by bit. Starting with Article II, Section 1 (the Electoral College system), and the Second Amendment.
  3. Production of just 45 M bbl in 2045 would be quite a positive step, if it were to be true.
  4. It's hard to reconcile the fact that, up till now, the biggest proportion of Tesla buyers are the very group of "lefties", "greenies" and "liberals" who are the ones most likely to deplore Musk's right wing rants, while his right wing supporters wouldn't be seen dead in an electric car. He's basically attacking his own purchaser base, so it's no surprise that sooner or later it will turn on him and shop elsewhere.
  5. That would be a 50% drop in production, rather than a pick (sic) - I assume you meant to say peak? It was 90 M bbl last year, following a drop caused by covid, and crossed the 45 M mark in 1968. Global oil production 2021 | Statista
  6. A friend of mine was outbid at an auction for building land. He lost the plot.
  7. I used to work at a bowling alley. Not permanent though, just tenpin.
  8. My wife turned to me in bed and asked, "Do you love me only because my father died and left me a fortune?" "That's crazy. Of course not," I said. "I'd love you no matter who left you the money."
  9. I've just bought a George Formby grill. You put in a sausage, and when it's ready it says....."It's turned out nice again".
  10. According to my wife's chocolate advent calendar, it's only three days to Christmas.
  11. Good to see an administration nabbing terrorists, rather than cosying up to them.
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