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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. One of the side effects of using paid mercenaries is seen in the fight for Bakhmut, a WW1 style battle where soldiers fire rifles at each other from muddy trenches, when not taking cover from artillery shells. It's estimated that the Russians are losing around 100 soldiers a day fighting for a city that has little real strategic value. Newly mobilised soldiers and conscripted prisoners are fighting alongside a core force of Wagner Group mercenaries, and are basically being used as disposable human probes by the latter, repeatedly being ordered to charge the Ukrainian lines in order to find the strongest defensive points, which are then targeted with mortar and artillery fire. Human beings been fed into a mincer, and summarily shot on the spot if they refuse. Not only do the mercenaries not care about the lives of the common soldiers fighting for them, it's thought that the reason for the bloody battle is all about their getting paid, with Ukrainian military analyst Serhiy Grabskiy saying: "...the Wagner Group was likely assigned the job of capturing Bakhmut by the Kremlin, and doing so will come with a significant financial reward — regardless of the number of Russian lives lost doing it. Prigozhin "will play his role and show that he is an important component of the Russian military machine. The only part of the long front line where Russia appears to have the capacity to go on the offensive is around Bakhmut, and it's important for the military to provide a battlefield success for Putin." Why the battle for the small city of Bakhmut is so important to both Russia and Ukraine | CBC News More on Bakhmut is also found in this report, along with the news that: "The alleged daily losses are beginning to mount up as Russia is predicted to lose 100,000 soldiers in less than one year of war, according to Ukraine's Ministry of Defence. This milestone could be reached as soon as this week or the next. This would be two months shy of the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in late February 2022." Russia Losing 100 Soldiers a Day in Bloody Battle for Bakhmut, Report (newsweek.com) Putin must be very proud of himself. I wonder how he'll celebrate?
  2. I know very little about dwarfs, but if you're feeling sleepy I hope it's consensual.
  3. Tell us what you really think, Doc. Don't be Bashful.
  4. Trump would spend the whole time whining about his "bigliest fall ever! The greatest fall of all time! Every knows I should have risen, but they stole that from me. They should abolish gravity to put it right."
  5. Seeing as the sidebar is on the far right of the screen, I don't think any twisting is needed to get his thoughts aimed in that direction.
  6. Shakespeare summed him up in King Lear: “A knave; a rascal; an eater of broken meats; a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited, hundred-pound, filthy, worsted-stocking knave; a lily-livered, action-taking knave, a whoreson, glass-gazing, super-serviceable finical rogue"
  7. I knew you would make a gleeful injection into this topic by taking a stand on the electric chair. Once you bring back hanging you should find an artist who rents rooms, and get yourself drawn and quartered as well.
  8. Watching the world cup the other day, my wife bet me that I couldn't name 3 Qatar players. I said George Harrison, Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix.
  9. Men all around the world between 40 to 60 years, will on average have sex 2 to 3 times per week. Whereas Japanese men, in the exact same age group will have sex once or twice a year if they are lucky. This has come as very upsetting news to most of my friends as they had no idea they were Japanese.
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