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Essential Forum Maintenance - 1-2AM (Bangkok time) Friday 7th Feb. ×


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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. There's the truth, in plane English.
  2. It is expected that Vladimir Putin will be voted 'employee of the century' at next month's NATO summit in Madrid, for his sterling recruitment work. (YLE is Finland's national public service media company).
  3. The builders working on my house forgot to bring their trowels today. There was a lot of finger-pointing, I'll tell you!
  4. Our local garden centre is selling garden shelters ridiculously cheaply. I'm wondering if they really keep out the sun and rain, or are they just a plazebo?
  5. I sent off for some information on my family tree. They sent me back a packet of seeds and suggested it would be in my best interest that I just start over again.
  6. My consultant has told me that I will need complete rest after my operation, but after two weeks I can start doing some light housework. I said "well that's alright but I live 75 miles from the coast"
  7. I just invented a thought controlled air freshener. Sounds crazy, but it makes scents when you think about it.
  8. My wife said earlier: "I am going out for the morning. Do you want anything?" Me: "No, that's enough."
  9. I just found out that my best friend suffers from turrets. Every time he sees a castle he starts swearing
  10. "I hear your husband just died?" "Yes, it was very sudden". "Did he have any last words" "He did indeed. He said, 'Yes, your bum does look big in that".

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