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Everything posted by Xonax

  1. So nothing new here but just a storm in a teacup!
  2. I believe he will. An economic growth of 5% per annum and a minimum daily wage of 600 baht will create inflation with increased prices everywhere. This will hit the low income earners hardest and make the gap between rich and poor even larger.
  3. I would immediately block her and make a screenshot as evidence.
  4. For people in debt, the governments 10,000 Baht wallet gift should only be able to be used for decreasing debt! Not further spending.
  5. Ditto. Our flight to Phuket was cancelled back in 2021, so we received a credit valid for 730 days. When we used the credit in March 2023, the flight to Phuket was again cancelled, so we now got a new credit to be used in the future (maybe??).
  6. "Hotel staff took them to the hospital, where the doctor told them they had received a five-second electric shock. " Impressing how doctors in Thailand can make a precise diagnose of exactly 5 seconds electric chock, without mentioning how many Volts and Ampere were applied.
  7. Just click on the password box and your user name and password will miracously appear.
  8. Instead of drinking the horrible tasting water with baking soda, you could swallow a couple of small Sodamint tablets before bedtime. They are usually sold in pharmacies in Thailand at 150 Baht for 1,000 tablets. However be careful with baking soda (and Sodamint) if you already have a high sodium intake. I have succesfully reduced my daily salt intake, which also resulted in way fewer GERD and Heartburn situations. But a person would still have to find and avoid the foods and drinks that triggers GERD and Heartburn.
  9. The below shirt is advertised at around THB 90,000. I would ask to be paid the same amount a month to wear it.
  10. They would need to reload the cargo to smaller vessels anyway! Why would ships be better than trains and trucks?
  11. We just went back to Bangkok from Phuket. Almost no chinese tourists in the airport or on the plane. But I have never seen so many arabs in my life!
  12. Insomnia, poor guy!!! He is probably suffering from jetlag or missing his high thread count sheets.
  13. I visualize that there would need to be constructed muslim prayer rooms in all go-go bars!
  14. Maybe the fake cops needed access to his bank account, in order to get his lost money back to.
  15. It looks like the tourist started the fight: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=196091016592185
  16. I guess the chinese invasion will be absent this low season, since the real estate market back home, where most have their savings placed, is in the middle of a collapse.
  17. The chinese tourist should have been arrested and banned from entering Thailand ever again.
  18. Many of those motorcyclists in Bangkok, especially the delivery guys, drive like crazy overtaking left and right in full speed, even with oncoming traffic.
  19. That's a heavy cost. The waterways exists already and just need to be cleaned up.
  20. As long as MFP not give up to scrap the lese majeste law, they will have to stay in opposition.
  21. Increasing prices may not have an effect on drug addicts, but will certainly prevent many people from becoming drug addicts.
  22. Higher wages means higher production costs and inflation, which will quickly eat the wage increase and more for workers with the lowest income.
  23. If no nationality is mentioned, all nationalities of foreigners are blamed. Certain nationalities are creating way more trouble than others.
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