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Everything posted by puchooay

  1. It is a public forum. I did a partial quote as that was the bit I was answering. The point is, the poll should be in the present perfect tense, as was the part of your post I tend to agree with. Thus discussing what has happened upto this point. The current options in the poll are impossible to answer as we don't yet know the final outcome. If you don’t like what I say just scroll on past. No need for the crass comments.
  2. Something we won't be sure about, either way, for some time. The poll really should not be asking people if Brexit has failed or not. Far too early to know. That's why I didn't vote. The poll should be asking about whether Brexit has been a positive or negative action, thus far.
  3. Why? It's only based on opinions.
  4. @topswijaya Are you on a visa from a consulate or an extension of stay from Immigration?
  5. Excellent news. That'll be a good time to discuss and reflect. See you then.
  6. Far too early to tell. 5 years is the cycle for general elections. Generally to allow time for policies to be implemented and make an impact. Brexit is coming up for 3 years. However, due to Covid it would be prudent to wait more than another 2 years to decide. I would say 2026 would be a good time to discuss failure or success.
  7. Southern pubs? I'm on the south coast. Where are the puvscwith £6/7 pints?
  8. I had 2 pints yesterday. A real ale at £3.80 and a Guinness at £4.50. Nice pub in a nice area. Where are your friends paying their prices?
  9. So, bearing in mind no one can see into the future, the arguement that Brexit is/was/has been more damaging than Covid and the war in Ukraine is wrong. It's taken 89 pages of denial for you to finally see that Better late than never.
  10. Please keep up with the conversation.
  11. Had you stated that, I would have agreed. However, that is not what you stated.
  12. Still can't see your point proved.
  13. Still not proved your point that Brexit was the only cause of delays.
  14. Then you should have not mentioned delays. You should only have talked about paperwork.
  15. OK. You posted some links. You then said things could be worse than figures in the links. I said they could be better. You said "not as Brexit stands now". All comments, both yours and mine, made in connection to the links you posted. Therefore your "not" is in reply to me suggesting the position could be better than suggested in your links.
  16. I can't see where it says "Brexit has been the only cause of delays in shipping from UK to EU." Please provide another link that does, in order to substantiate your claim.
  17. The post I was referring to suggested Brexit was the only reason for delay for shipping between UK and EU.
  18. Prove it By "it" I mean your claim things cannot be better than the figures in the links.
  19. To coin a phrase, please provide a link to substantiate your claim. I'm sure I've read there were delays because of drivers needing Covid tests. I could be wrong and would be more than happy for you to prove me wrong.
  20. Indeed. They are also aware that Brexit is not the only factor to have played a part.
  21. Indeed. Also, it could be better.
  22. And I've read articles that suggest other wise. Like I said, nobody really knows the extent.
  23. A major role? A minor role? Who knows? Closing the economy down for 2 years played a role. It impacted output, retail sales, imports and exports. A war also plays a role. Was the impact more or less than that of Brexit? Nobody knows for sure. Will things improve? Not sure but possible. Will things get worse? Not sure but possible. Those who are so sure one way or the other should go out and buy a lottery ticket. Their ability to see into the future will surely help them choose the right numbers.
  24. In my case, neither. I'm talking about my wife of 22 years. If I were to categorise her, it would be an insult. So I won't. Each and every person is an individual, and shout be treated as such.
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