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Everything posted by ravip

  1. Why did Popeye punch the Pope? He heard he went to Mount Olive.
  2. How did Burger King get Dairy Queen pregnant? He forgot to wrap his Whopper.
  3. (...a foreign man was seen taking off his clothes and approaching a cow. The animal was frightened and gored the man, causing him severe injuries) I hope there aren't any cows nearby... for the sake of you and the cow.
  4. Thailand is falling short on all these issues. OR... Is it that Thailand is introducing a control on the influx of foreigners coming in? They will bring in the much needed money, sure. But, after a certain percentage, the country will be unsuitable for the locals, and then chaos starts. A very good example is the number of foreigners whimpering here-in at AN. They are unhappy where they were born, and now they are unhappy in their newly chosen 'paradise'. If one look around, many countries have numerous issues due to immigrants and the locals lifestyle have deteriorated due to that.
  5. I asked Chat GPT and the result; (It's a variable, I guess) The number of gods that exist can vary widely depending on cultural, religious, and philosophical perspectives. Here’s a broad overview: Monotheistic Religions: These religions believe in a single, all-powerful deity. Examples include Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Polytheistic Religions: These traditions believe in multiple gods, each with distinct roles and attributes. Examples include Hinduism, ancient Greek religion, and Norse mythology. Pantheistic and Panentheistic Beliefs: In these views, the divine is seen as synonymous with the universe or transcending it. Examples include some interpretations of Hinduism and certain philosophical perspectives. Atheistic and Agnostic Views: Atheism denies the existence of any gods, while agnosticism holds that the existence of gods is unknown or unknowable. Indigenous and Folk Religions: Many cultures have their own unique deities and spiritual beings. These can range from ancestor spirits to nature deities. In summary, the concept of gods and the number of deities is diverse and depends heavily on the beliefs of different cultures and religions.
  6. "I visited my new friend in his apartment. He told me to make myself at home. So I threw him out. I hate having visitors."
  7. "My senior relatives liked to tease me at weddings, saying things like, “You’ll be next!” They stopped once I started doing the same to them at funerals."
  8. I've seen and heard of many parents undergoing untold suffering because of their children, not only in Thailand but in many other countries as well.
  9. My question is to you all ... how on earth do you count calories here and lose weight ? No way. Have to be out of Thailand for at least 6 months to shed the fat gained there! Come back, it all starts again!
  10. Yep! Transactions are so simple and direct.
  11. WOW! You are taking the Bald, Fat, Sweaty, Hairy, Old, and Boring (may I add arrogant) to the next level!
  12. How will you be treated by the locals? Will they treat you nicely, even if you look far from being Tom Cruise? I guess its not really your looks that matter. The treatment you get will solely depend on your own behavior,
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