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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. Samui Storage and Moving Solutions. They are excellent. Run by a British chap if I remember correctly. The number I have is 083-3928049, and the last email I had for them is [email protected]. Very solid, dependable, and honest.
  2. And putting a construction guy in charge of the health department may have made sense at the time, due to his political clout. But, the moment Covid came along, it was a national emergency, especially with a nation so dependent on tourism. So, wisdom should have prevailed enough for him to be replaced with someone experienced and competent, immediately at that point. Not doing so, tells you everything you need to know about Cha Cha, and his heinous, toxic, no nothing administration.
  3. There is no money in parks. And parks require a governmental body that is actually concerned with quality of life for the masses, and conscious enough to plan for that. Never been the case with Cha Cha, nor any of the local leaders in Bangkok.
  4. Well, among US leaders Clinton was likely the smartest in the past few decades. Obama was likely second. And even Clinton did not have the good sense to get out of his own way. With regard to Bush Jr., Trump and Biden? Dim and dimmer.
  5. It is about time they put the most underutilized airport in the nation, and likely the world, to work. We know why it was not used much before, and that no longer applies. So, what gives? It is an ideal location for regional flights. Use it. Man up. Do some real work. Make things happen. We need some adults in the room.
  6. The PM? What country do you think this is? The PM was installed to protect the police, not prosecute them. He has never made any effort to pursue an agenda to get rid of corruption here. He talked about doing so. That was a snow job, to fool the most naive. But, that is who he is, and how he rolls. All talk, no action Cha Cha.
  7. This is to be expected, and should come as no surprise. Police work is a pyramid scheme, with each franchisee helping to enrich the next level up. So, if there is any surprise at all, it is that he is not worth more. It is likely he has tens of millions of dollars stashed overseas. Same applies to the cabinet, and especially the PM. Likely most of the generals too. It could not be any other way. Thailand is built upon a foundation of corruption and patronage.
  8. The only battle this man has ever engaged in, in his sorry life, is the war against personal poverty. He has totally embraced corruption in any and all forms. Personal enrichment at any cost, could be his personal motto.
  9. Great cities, great nations, and important cultures are built on the basis of the arts, support for the arts, music, dance, theatre, nightlife, and other forms of culture. Not shopping. More malls are the last thing in the world Thailand or Bangkok needs. Plenty already. If wisdom prevailed, they would institute a mall moratorium. Enough already. Did I just say wisdom? What on earth was I thinking?
  10. Like many others, I am trying to plan a trip overseas. Hoping to head back to the US the end of the year, for over a month. One of my chief concerns is not only having to jump over the ridiculous hurdles required to get back in, but also the required quarantine. I would be fine with the sandbox. Three days in a hotel on an island, then a vacation on either Samui, or Phuket. That works, if need be. Any info on this? Any inside information about planned re-openings? What is the consensus about them continuing with the sandbox plan? The biggest nightmare would be a 14 day hotel quarantine in Bangkok. This is a difficult decision, as cases here appear to be stabilizing, but who knows? And cases seem to be rising in the US, which complicates things even more.
  11. I actually had a conversation with my Thai wife today about leaving. First time I have seriously contemplated that, in well over a decade. I was very surprised she felt the same way I do. She shared alot of my disappointments and frustrations. It would be a big move, as we have assets here to consider, and we are both close to her lovely family. And we both love most Thai people, Thai food, and traveling around Thailand and the region. And up until the last year or two, I would say we really love our life here. Some of it might be Covid fatigue. But, alot of it is army fatigue. And what feels like a diminishing quality of life. I am just very, very tired of the goon leaders here, the continued xenophobia from them, and their constant nonsense and lack of leadership. Neither of us see any hope for the future. This is not about Covid. Though the handling of it has sure been disillusioning. It is about the possibility of a future. What will happen to change things and put this nation on a forward path with any kind of promise? Even if they get rid of the most horrible leader they have had in ages, how will they get rid of the highly corrupt and totally compromised 250 proxy senators? And will any of them ever be held to account? The level of toxic corruption and the "above the law" nonsense gets very tiring. And if they cannot figure out a way out of this backwards moving and ever deepening destruction and sabotage, do we want to spend the rest of our lives dealing with such lowlife leaders, moral degradation, and constant threats? And of course, the question is if we leave, where to? Certainly not back to the US. Thinking maybe we will check out Spain for a long vacation. Then we will see. Any thoughts?
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