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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. Are we witnessing an extinction event? Or a stage play?
  2. Real men just walk away, when things cannot be worked out. Babies, and juveniles, who look like adults, but have the emotional development of a 13 year old, turn into homicidal maniacs.
  3. I think it is safe to say most tourists would appreciate it, if there was actual law enforcement here. Competency and pride in a job well done, are beautiful things. Indifference and corruption are not.
  4. A stegosaurus is removed, and replaced by a brontosaurus. A big stage play? Or are the powers behind the power finally losing faith in Mr. Incompetent?
  5. Perhaps after destroying tourism, decimating the economy, and demonstrating the total inability to create anything, do anything, or run anything, the ruling families are finally coming to their senses, and want to get rid of this guy. If they had gone out of their way, they could not have picked someone with less leadership ability. True leaders really are in the service of their people. True leaders act with integrity and in doing so they establish trust. True leaders genuinely value their people and in doing so they create loyalty. True leaders are in the business of assisting people to realize their full potential, and in doing so they inspire excellence. Nobody can demand respect, loyalty or trust, like you constantly do. These things have to be earned. There are no short cuts, no way to cheat the process. Great leaders have integrity and truly value their people. And you do not inspire confidence, as you have never had any follow up in your weak game, you are highly insincere, and grossly incompetent and under qualified for the job. One would think after 7 plus years you have had time to learn. That does not appear to be the case. Prayuth, you are a terrible leader. So, if Prayuth were a man of integrity, the man he led the nation to believe he were, when he seized power 8 long years ago, he would now say: I know, I know, I know. I should have reacted when the big outbreak happened back in December of 2020, and done the right thing by shutting down that area in Samut. I know. I should have taken the vaccine thing more seriously. I know, I should have had a more qualified health minister. I know, my pathological fear of the optics of a lockdown caused many more cases than we needed to endure. And I know, I should have been more diligent with the borders, I should have cracked down on corrupt immigration officials, who kept allowing infected souls to cross into Thailand. Yes, I should have kept my promise to fight corruption, and I should have and could have done better. Do you want me to resign now? I know what is what you are thinking. I probably should. It sure would be the right thing to do. But, doing the right thing would be so alien for me. I am not sure I even know how to do that.
  6. They don't want foreign criminals, they want quality tourists, said a spokesman. How does one respond to a statement like this one? Of course they want quality tourists, and not criminals. Every police department wants the same thing, as does every population. But saying such a thing only betrays their extreme lack of understanding, sophistication and proper training. It is not up to them to choose which tourists come to Thailand. It is up to them to fight crime, and apprehend criminals. Perhaps they have gotten so far from their mission, that they do not see this clearly, anymore.
  7. Good point, as usual for you. Women can be very judgmental, and that applies to everywhere, not just here. We acquired some land, and when someone asks what my wife does, rather than say she is a housewife, she tells them she manages a large fruit orchard. It is essentially true, though her father runs the day to day operation.
  8. It is a terrible thing, to be a terrible leader, without leadership skill, who has run the economy into the ground, presided over the demolition of the tourism industry, put millions out of work with highly selective shutdowns, and then have to face the fact that you are despised by 97% of the population. Far easier to just hang out with sycophants.
  9. Good one. There is alot of judgment with this line of thought. Personally, I think if you marry a bargirl, or massage gal, who has not been at it for too long, there is a good chance of success, if she is made of the right stuff. Back in the US, the sex industry is enormous, and many men end up marrying a woman who has been with well over 1,000 men, without knowing anything about their past. Back there, they are not open and notorious, and sitting out in front of massage parlors. They are online, working as expensive escorts. They work massage, they work in the porn industry. They ply their trade on Tinder, as companions. Far less obvious, but it is the same thing. Equal or greater numbers, per capita. The big difference is the honesty of the Thai women, and the way they go about what they are doing. Far more transparency, and infinitely more delightful. They do not seem to be burdened by copious amounts of guilt or regret. They just do what they have to do, and get on with their lives. For me, that translates into integrity. Thai women, like all others come in many different shapes and forms. Many are really lovely women, who have the kind of heart, soul, and feminine nature a burned out, overly uber feminized women in the West cannot even conceive of. Same applies to the millions upon millions of SIMPS, and emasculated Western men out there. Many of us have met bargirls, or massage girls who are very kind, and are doing what they can to help out their families, who have next to nothing. The culture here gives them few alternatives.
  10. Thanks. Well spoken. I like to call them working gals. And many of them are lovely women, who like you say had a desperate hand dealt to them by life, and Thai society, and were courageous enough to lift themselves up, and make a better life for themselves. It is very easy for us to be judgmental. We have never had to face the choice of working in a factory for 50-60 hours a week, for $450 a month, before taxes and expenses, (and how does one get by on that kind of income?) or doing the alternative, hoping to find a good man, and financial stability for themselves, and their poor families. It is called natural selection. The desire to survive and prosper. How can anyone be blamed for that?
  11. In all the years I have lived here, I have only known one man who was courageous enough to say yes. When out in public, at a dinner party, etc. He would say my wife used to work in a bar, or if with the guys, he would freely admit he picked her up in a bar, and married her. That takes alot of courage and chutzpah. Gotta admire it. I have known other guys who married bar girls, and went so far out of their way to create a backstory. She has a masters degree in this or that, she ran a chain of restaurants, etc. Hilarious stuff.
  12. Quite possibly. And it is considered extremely difficult to hunt down the murderer of a high end sex doll. Even Scotland Yard would find that challenging.
  13. Quite possibly the classic definition of a very sore loser. Loser is the key word here. If he is voted out, it is demonstrative enough, that he is no longer wanted, needed, or liked. What would it take to get the message. I guess this was never about a popularity contest, which this man could never win, under any circumstances. Just go Cha Cha. Move on. Get on with your life, leave the Thai people alone, let them prosper. How much do you really need anyway?
  14. That would signify an admission of incompetence, and demonstrate a sense of humility. Not gonna happen. There seems to be something inherent within this culture, that encourages a willingness to deny, obfuscate, and refuse to take responsibility.
  15. If she believes in the judicial system here, either she is wealthy, has never brought a case to court, or is very naive. Belief does not make it so. What a bizarre and convoluted case. Wonder if even a competent judge can sort it out. Bizarre behavior. Are we beyond just discussing an issue, and working it out? Where is the civility?
  16. Skechers are incredibly comfortable. Alot of arch support and cushy heel feel. I love that. Crocs offer alot of support, if you can find a pair that are very comfortable. I tend to like alot of support and life is too short for shoes that are not a joy to wear.
  17. That is no reason to leave a man without talent, leadership ability or concern for the people in power indefinitely. The people desperately need to wrestle control away from the army, one of the nation's most toxic institutions.
  18. You have to be pretty drunk, very high, unskilled, or just not paying attention, to run into a parked vehicle. It is a very basic aspect of natural selection, to always be on the lookout for obstacles, in your path.
  19. I guess the butterfly mentality even goes so far as to affect a man's attraction to sex dolls. Next. Need a new one!
  20. Well, granted the Muslim and Arab world have a major PR issue at this time. But, there are alot of good Muslim and Arab people out there. I know some. We can't paint 2 billion people with the same brush. It tends to make us look a bit narrow minded.
  21. Just treat them like you would any outlaws. Lock them up. Let the local Thais have some fun with them.
  22. My greatest hope is that I never have to visit Saudi, for any reason. That would be a life well lived.
  23. It seems to be a lack of driving experience, combined with poor training, poor judgment, and a lack of consideration for other drivers. And of course, there is the lack of enforcement. People are just not compelled to drive properly here, and that is entirely on the RTP and the Highway patrol, both of which are dreadfully ineffective, when it comes to traffic safety. They just do not seem to care. It all adds up to a rather dangerous mix. One must have eyes in the back of the head, and drive with extreme caution here.
  24. After a substantial investigation by the forensic teams, they determined it was not a human being, after all.
  25. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. It is time to retire this relic of the past. He must go. Very few want him, he is not needed, or required. His popularity is at an all time low, though that does not seem to matter much in a nation where all things seem to be manipulated, one way or the other. It is time for the people to choose. Prayuth has failed in a horrific fashion, by nearly any measurable context. Time to move on. Enjoy your fortune elsewhere. Get a hobby, or do some leisure traveling. Do something, other than make the Thai people miserable. Please.
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