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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. If you consider one potentially biased and flawed study to be evidence, I can offer you a highly discounted deal on the Brooklyn Bridge. Sometimes intuition, what we see all around us, and "confirmation bias" is infinitely more accurate that a flawed study. Besides, being a non conformist and a non lemming leads me to distrust and question alot of what I hear and read.
  2. Seems like a good thing. Any questions that can be raised, any suspicions that can be voiced, and any lack of featly that can be demonstrated towards the ruling party, is a step in the right direction. Nobody knows the full extent of the malfeasance, corruption and dereliction of duty being committed here. No doubt it is massive. Question everything. Do not obey. Do not blindly follow the leader. Be disobedient!
  3. Yes, he pulled out $10 million when Bitcoin was at $56,000. His position was worth $28 million at that time, from an original investment of under $30K. He is still sitting on nearly $10 million, and in addition he pulled out enough to buy his sister an amazing home, for cash. So, he has done quite well. I know many who have pulled out some cash, and done very well. The dummies just sit on the crypto, just like the long term stock investors, who are watching their savings being eaten away by the recent corrections, when they could have made a small fortune by getting out and getting back in at the right time. Gone are the days of long term investments. Everyone I know who is making money, is getting in and out and back in, at the right time. Static investing does not work anymore in this unstable economic environment. That will be especially so in the months and years ahead, where we are inevitably going to see massive turmoil, market swings and hyper inflation.
  4. Something sounds fishy about these numbers. Sometimes you just have to use your eyes and your instincts. When driving in the US, I can go days and days without seeing an accident. People drive infinitely more carefully there, and the highway patrol actually pulls people over for reckless driving and doing incredibly stupid things on the highway. Here, I can't go a few hours without seeing an overturned truck, a motorbike smashed to bits, or a pickup truck who drove onto the median and crashed. Those numbers are ridiculous, and do not reflect reality, at all.
  5. Really? And when the daughter sends back 10,000 to 15,000 baht a month, do you really think mom thinks that she is making enough money in a factory or restaurant to pay for food, lodging, taxes, all her monthly expenses, and still have that much left at the end of the month for mom? I sincerely do not think so. There is a high degree of parental complicity here. And not necessarily judging that. Just saying I think it is a fact.
  6. At a time when they are bragging about the health ministry giving out one million ganga plants to the public, this appears: These included charge #4 - growing marijuana. So, is it legal, or is it illegal? And if it is illegal, why does Anutin continue touting it? Will they, and can they ever make up their minds? Or is all of this simply a scam, to earn the RTP additional billions in "franchisee fees"?
  7. Get rid of those stupid cloth masks, and allow all nightlife to re-open. Let's get things back to normal, finally. Especially masking outdoors, which is insane, beyond any science, and nothing but fear of the Zombie Apocalypse.
  8. Absolute fiction. Never seen anything in the way of consumer advocacy here. Fascism is partly defined by government being in bed with corporations. They are as earnest about helping the consumer, as they are about cleaning up the environment, dealign with traffic safety, and fixing the air pollution issues here.
  9. I have a friend who bought 400 bitcoins at $90 each. He has done quite well.
  10. She said she thought that it was a dummy round after picking up a bullet mixed with others on the floor, reported Thai Rath. She was taken to the police station for questioning but as yet no charges have been filed. Huh? Even if she thought it was a "dummy round", why would she be pointing the gun at the instructor, then firing the gun? And why would a gun have blanks at a firing range? So many unanswered questions. Looks like manslaughter to me.
  11. Or leaving gold, cash, or valuables on the dresser, when he brings a working gal back to the room. Talk about poor survival instincts!
  12. Nah. Some of us are very fulfilled, and quite content with our lives. But, we like to moan and groan a bit. It is so much fun. And besides, you have to admit both Biden and Prayuth are fairly easy to joke about. The main difference is one of them was elected in a fair election, and intends to leave office in a couple of years. The other?
  13. You are right in that we enjoy many advantages here. For instance. I am quite dismissive of the police here, when they ask for bribes. I treat them with disdain when they deserve it, and seem to get away with it, as a foreigner. Thais do not do that. They tend to be scared of the cops. I could cite other examples. The reality, is that many of us need a place to vent our frustrations, and hatred of the administration, army, etc. This is a good place for that. Many of us love living here and have very good lives here. Doesn't mean we don't have some complaints. I do not consider myself a victim, on any level. Quite the opposite. I am very happy living here, and I like most Thai people.
  14. Exactly. So, if you are not going to make wearing an N95 or N99 mask mandatory, and allow cheap cloth masks to give some the false feeling of safety, why even bother? Or is this about something else entirely?
  15. Start arresting and prosecuting some of your cronies and associates, and the world will begin to take you more seriously. Until then, your inane psychobabble will be believed only by the remaining 2% of the loyal diehard ultra conservatives, who cannot think outside the box. You credibility is next to zero.
  16. Total nonsense. I have been masked up for 2 years, double vaxed, and got a booster too. Assumptions like this not only make you appear highly ignorant, but also politically biased. We still know very little about how the virus was transmitted. Looks at Taiwan. One of the most locked down nations in the world, yet they are now looking at nearly 1,000 new cases a day. Stick to the things you know something about.
  17. Your honor, I rest my case. 87 times. Which makes silver a stunning investment, compared to gold. The only thing gold has going over silver, it the portability factor, and it's ease of purchasing and storing.
  18. I wonder what Biden is actually thinking? Do I really have to meet with this spectacularly irrelevant man?
  19. It is getting to the point to utter stupidity, and a total lack of common sense. The other day I was in an outdoor restaurant, and there was an entire table of people wearing masks. As soon as the food arrives, they will not only be taking off their masks, but digging into the common area food with their own spoons, which they have already eaten with. The lack of science in this debate, and situation is stunning. It is really about keeping the people scared, at this time. Numbers continue to drop, standard cloth masks have limited effectiveness, wearing them outdoors is downright silly, and this ultra paranoid behavior has to stop. The government and goons like Anutin are largely responsible for an environment of fear at this stage of the game.
  20. At a given point, when the child is refusing to use the car seat, the question needs to be asked, who is paying the mortgage in this equation? If the baby is paying, let them do whatever they want. If the parent is paying, then it is incumbent upon the parent to behave like one.
  21. Well, it should be a choice. But, the authorities are going to attempt to insist we all continue to wear them, and it will require a significant amount of civil disobedience, in the face of staggering ignorance and fear mongering, to get the people to stop using them, and to get the goons to stop pushing them onto us. At some point we all just have to respond with a resounding NO THANKS!
  22. It is necessary for society to push back against nonsense. Especially anything related to the extremely toxic military here. Kids should not be influenced by these uniforms, and made to feel as if there is anything to gain by being a part of this creepy organization.
  23. A ridiculously low number of wealthy individuals have any interest in retiring, or living here. Let's face it. The most appealing aspect of living here, is the affordability, for most of us. Wealthy folks have better options. The nunskulls cannot see through their own fog of hubris, to be able to comprehend that Thailand is NOT the center of the known universe, and far greater sacrifices would need to be made, to attract any of these people.
  24. Yes. Very lucky. Have had alot of friends who have had it. Very mild symptoms, similar to the flu. Long term covid is super rare with Omi. Omi is pus** covid. Very soft and weak, for most.
  25. Wearing a mask in open outdoor areas is the height of science denial, ignorance, and Zombie paranoia!

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