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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. Wearing a mask outdoors, much less while riding a motorbike is about as useless an act one can engage in, unless you are in a very crowded area. Where is the science? Foreigners get it. Thais don't. Their country or not. I will call it, as I see it.
  2. And the real question is, since when did a laborer with a minor skill, become able to charge per hour, what a psychiatrist, who went to university for 8 years or so, and graduated with an MD, is able to charge. You know the economy is upside down, and is an unsustainable position when that happens. I am thankful we live here, when it comes to daily expenses, so count me out, when it comes to beefing about inflation here. It is happening, but it is minor.
  3. Another example of the great RTP making the nation safer and fighting real crime. AKA "we didn't get our share. How dare you commit a crime without our profit participation!"
  4. There are many of us who will not feel much compassion. Alot of these charlatan super freaks feel like they are above the laws of nature and mankind. I feel pride, when people express their displeasure, and dish it back at these guys who somehow think they are immune to the effects of the suffering they bring to humanity. Frankly, I want to see more of this. Aimed at bank, insurance and corporate CEO pigs, Trump and his family, and similarly retrograde humans.
  5. I never lament the low cost of labor. It is a huge blessing for those of us on the other side of the coin. I am not trying to save the world. Just want to be fair and kind to those around me, and those I employ. On the flip side, do those laborers in the US, who fix toilets, trim trees, and repair your car really deserve $90 to $300 an hour? Do they have law degrees?
  6. The [PM] spouts out his daily nonsense. They are still wearing masks because you scared them into submission. Away with the masks, and the dinosaurs go extinct and we cannot wait for that day. Your usefulness to the nation is gone, baby gone. Hopefully so are you, very soon.
  7. Thailand is still reasonable. It used to be cheap. Has not been cheap for a long time. But, it is still reasonable. I know people who pay 10,000 baht a month for newer 3 bedroom houses in nice towns. In major cities in the US? $2000-3800 a month. That is 120,000 baht! When I travel here, I can stay in a very nice 4 star hotel for under 2,000 baht, in Bangkok. In the US now, hotels are up to $300 to $500 a nite! I had my motorbike seat recently redone on my scooter. 400 baht. A friend of mine had similar work done in the US. $275. I recently had a guy come over and insulate my ceiling. I bought the insulation and paid him 2000 baht for labor. In the US? $800 and up. I recently had an electrician do some work on the house. Nearly a full day of work. Paid him 1000 baht. In the US? $800 and up. A friend of mine paid $1,500 to get his tree trimmed in LA recently. I just paid 1,000 baht to get several trees and my entire garden trimmed, and that included hauling everything away. An oil change for my scooter costs me 200 baht, with Castrol oil. In the US? $75. I eat well here. In a smaller town you can get a three course meal for 200-250 baht. In the US? 2000 baht and up, plus tax and a nearly mandatory 15% tip. And I get attitude for leaving a $15 or $20 tip. Here, I get nothing but gratitude for a 20-40 baht tip. Recently I was in the US and wanted to order from a delivery service. Besides the meal costing $45 for two dishes, tax and delivery service fees was well over $14. So, $59 for two dishes? I made a sandwich instead of engaging in that foolishness. I visit the emergency room here to visit a specialist, and with x-rays I am out the door for 2000 baht, at a private hospital. In the US? $300-2000. Friends of mine, who are single, enjoy the company of a young, beautiful woman for a couple of hours, for 2000 baht. In the US? $800 an hour now for a decent looking woman with an attitude problem. I could go on and on, all day long. I live at a level here, that I would never be able to live at, in the US, in most of Europe, in Oz, or Canada. A quote from a friend recently in the US: My neighbor told me she got a quote for a wood fence around her house. It was around $8,800 ($2800 for the materials, labor (2 days), $6,000. 2 days at 8 hours a day = 16 hours of labor) For $6,000 labor/16 hours that works out to be around $375 an hour labor. Another neighbor got some quotes to get the outside of his house painted. Average quote was around $5,000. He bought all the paint and supplies for $1500. Labor $3,500 and the house would have been finished in 1 day. $3,500 divided by 8 hours of labor = $437 an hour to paint a one story ranch house. So, expensive is very relative. Thailand is still reasonable.
  8. Nothing will ever be normal again. Not here. Tourism will never be the same. Gangsters are running the nation, dressed up as officers, pretending to care. But, I went for a nice motorbike ride yesterday, and felt very grateful to be here. Compared to my broken down nation of America, Thailand's problems are manageable, and life is quite good for most of us.
  9. Now you are just baiting us, and being obstinate. That is not your normal self. It will all work out, I can assure you.
  10. There is still a suggestion to wear a mask indoors. 99% of the Thais are still wearing one outdoors, as they were scared into utter submission. Most foreigners have stopped wearing them outdoors, as we are more inclined to believe in and embrace science, over fear. The most ridiculous one of them all, wearing a mask while driving a motorbike, lives on in infamy.
  11. Fun report. Thanks. I do hear things are picking up a bit in Phuket? Anyone want to confirm that? Outside of Bangla, which is always overpriced. A friend who stays in Pattaya alot, says it is back to about 25%. Samui is back to about 15%, based on my recent trips. Nightlife rebounding slightly, but very, very little talent yet. Massage is hurting badly. A trace of talent, here and there. Last time I visited Nana nothing was open upstairs. Only downstairs in the plaza, was happening. Any different now? Any of the good spots upstairs reopened? Cowboy was scarce too. As Rooster noted. If the intention of the dinosaurs is to sabotage nightlife in Thailand, they seem to have nearly succeeded. Let us hope it bounces back, at some point. And let us hope the dinosaurs become extinct.
  12. Islam has a serious PR problem around the world. Part of it is the unwillingness on the part of it's leaders to speak out and openly condemn the extremist madness. Another part of it seems to come from the utter joylessness of most contemporary Islamic cultures. Too many prohibitions, and not enough allowance for joys and pleasures makes Orod a very dull boy indeed. So, they are simply not in a position to ask for much.
  13. Most of us would agree. But, certainly giving 20 baht to a hard working waitress, or 15 baht to a Panda or Grab delivery guy is fair and within reason. It makes alot more difference to them, than it does to us, is the general point. And having an open heart does contribute to our well being too.
  14. Maybe. But, who would want to spend any time with them, with those personalities? I would choose a modest looking Thai woman over a beautiful Russian, if they were the last two women in the world.
  15. There are some things in this life worth bringing to the world's attention, and some things better left unsaid. Being stingy, and having a closed heart is not one many of us would care to share. Especially, when we have been as fortunate as alot of us have been, in this lifetime, and are surrounded by people earning meager sums of money, and performing services for us, with a good attitude.
  16. According to some ancient Hindu texts, he was a dark skinned Arab, who spent 7 years in India. The missing years, perhaps. They also say he was a fully enlightened being.
  17. I don't agree. Not ridicule, at all. They are simply playing their part in an act, and giving us what they think we want. Most have been coached. It is our lack of understanding of the game that is the issue, and we only have our own lack of research, or extreme emotional vulnerability to blame for that. If she is a nice gal, and you treat her with kindness and respect, and show her a good time, it is all good. Great times can be had by those of us who know what we are doing, treat it as a fun, lighthearted encounter, and behave as Bond would do. Getting attached to a short time gal is just not paying tribute to our gender, and fairly sad. Keep it light. Man up! Have some fun.
  18. She was the least talented candidate I remember since Walter Mondale. She is a smart and capable woman. But, she had no idea how to run a presidential campaign. And she said some of the dumbest things.
  19. It says unleaded fuel, no more than 10% ethanol. Or unleaded 91, in the US. Not much help here. The dealer suggested only using 95 or 91. And avoiding E20 like the plague.
  20. Force of habit. Major indoctrination. It may take awhile. Most Thais have been scared into utter submission.
  21. I also have a CX30. Was informed that E20 and E85 were not as good for the engine as gasohol 95. What about 91, by comparison? Seems to be about the same price as 95. Anyone have any clear answers on that?
  22. It has already been lifted nationwide. Has this clown been napping? Just ignore him. Take off the masks!
  23. The real question is why now? While Cha Cha has done everything in his power to protect bent cops, officials and administration members for 8 years, why all of a sudden are they now cracking down? Or are they? Could be a big charade. Or he could be very, very concerned about being ousted in a very humiliating fashion, in an upcoming election. Let's at least pretend to care?
  24. And you know something? We just do not care, what you think. You do not like Thailand becoming more liberal? You always have the option of moving to Riyadh, or Islamabad. They are plenty conservative. Moving a nation backwards is never the answer, no matter how misguided your backward sentiments are. It is hard for the world to support a faith, that at it's more extreme, outlaws dancing, music, a girls right to get an education, and fun. Not to mention forcing it's women to wear a tent. God forbid someone sees their face! We just do not care!!!
  25. An absolutely horrific result. I am a centrist democrat, and fairly conservative compared to many of my democratic friends. I believe abortion should only be allowed in the first term. If you cannot make up your mind within 90 days, that is on you. Anything beyond 90 days is not necessary, and that should be the dividing line. To take away all rights, including in cases of rape, incest, etc, is monstrously cruel, callous, and overly authoritarian. Also, it reeks of fake puritanism, as most of the thugs who pushed this rule through likely have not spent 10 minutes in prayer in the past year, yet they rave about morality, how religious they are, and nonsense like "the law in the eyes of God"! Such insincerity. Nobody should be forced to have a child, especially if they cannot afford to raise them. This is part of an ongoing class war, and it will hurt the poor disproportionately. The last thing in the world our planet needs is another child, who is unwanted. It does appear to me that the recent appointees to the Supreme court lack decency and honor, not to mention many other qualities. It is further evidence of the downfall of America, and it's dramatic drop towards a place few of us recognize anymore. As an American, my level of disappointment, and frustration with the direction my once proud nation is moving, is difficult to express. I do not know who it will be able to return from the place it stands at this time, with the division, hatred, disenfranchisement, bitterness, law enforcement issues, crime, and economic hardships facing at least 60% of the population. I sure am grateful to be living here, even with all the local issues. They seem trite in comparison.
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