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Everything posted by marin

  1. Not sure stupid would be the right word. She managed to hack your Line Account. Even more got you to buy into her to the tune of 500,000,000 baht land only. Devious or cunning might be better. I do wish you luck.
  2. No they are not. BYD is half the price of a Tesla for most models, with the Seal being the exception.
  3. Yup, very happy. Having genuine Windows 11 built in along with Office is nice.
  4. I have used HP laptops for the last 12 years. My old 7 year old one is just so beat up I picked up a new one over the weekend. HP online have a good new years sale on with additional discounts as well. 9,000-70,000 baht. I like them as Windows genuine is included in the purchase price. Just got one I was looking at for 22,999 in December, got it for 14,999 so the sale is real. One day delivery by DHL and you can pay on delivery.
  5. For the last 7 years I have simply used my Thai drivers license everywhere. USA, France, Germany, the UK, Canada and Mexico not a problem one. Why the need for this outdated document?
  6. You sure you were not over on another channel posting the same stuff?
  7. Are the headlines now being written by a Thai or a non native speaker of English? They are trying to persuade Thai couples to make more kids. Try being the key word. The headline is nothing like the opening sentence. Deputy health minister persuades Thai couples to have children Add this to the spam bots flooding the forum with nonsensical inane threads, and the fact you have to click 2 ads away just to read a post indicates serious problems here.
  8. Why the heck can she not walk to work if its only 1 kilometer? Problems solved in a sense, well she could walk out in the street and get hit while diddling around on her "phones".
  9. The Royal Thai Police. Cementing their corruption. Abject lying remains in place for all to see. Sticker on the windshield allowing overweight trucks to pass. Truck is weighed and is overweight and stuck in a hole leading to a massive traffic jam that inconvenienced thousands. But its all cool. Beyond belief
  10. When I got to this bit in the report it sort of made feel a little sick to my stomach. Druggy brother According to the father’s account, his 16 year old son travelled on the minibus with his daughter during her departure trip from his house in Bangkok to Khon Kaen. The victim’s father added that his son suffered a mental health breakdown after the trip. He later tested positive for methamphetamine. Trying not to read between the lines, but to me something is definitely not right there.
  11. Not emotional just pointing out a lot of Thai's enjoy a good beer. Now teacher can you explain to me what a class of 10-15 year olds has to do with this statement, "thais dont have the finesse, nor the palate to distinguish and enjoy a good beer"? I see no correlation at all. Most teachers would capitalize Thai's as well.
  12. I really hate blanket statements like this. "All Thai's", BS, some of the Thai people you have met have this problem not all. Most I know realize the beer here is crap and actively promote opening up the beer market for better brews. Places like Chit Beer and Tawandang are packed each and every night with Thai's looking for a tasty cold one.
  13. Simon is correct. Isaan is the lingua franca of the NE. Most people will speak this, while at the same time being able to speak "Central Thai". Find a nice place in Central Thailand or on the beaches above Chumphon where you begin to run into the southern Thai dialect.
  14. The friend or you are low on funds so any bribe is going to be hard. If you do want to go the bribe route with a lawyer you will have to do this by turning yourself in. The IO's at the airport are not going to be doing anything for you at all. Sadly the bed has been made, now you have to sleep in it.
  15. Was easy for me, but I have had the account for 25+ years and am well known at my bank TTB. Get the police report and go the the bank. It should be pretty straight forward. Make sure to bring your passport and it will all be good.
  16. Was there near the end of Covid, Jan of 22 I believe. Of course the rates now are higher as we took advantage of the "Thai Dua Gun" program and got 40% off the room and a big dining credit courtesy of the government. No cars other than songtaw pickups and a few locals have a truck. The people like it like that and dont want a car ferry and hordes of tourists. Not as mountainous but still hilly as Chang. Beautiful beaches, the best waterfalls I have found here and clear mangrove estuaries to explore. Nightlife not so much. So if you want the peace and quiet of island life here you go. A few photos.
  17. So you are fluent in Thai and can read and understand the written messages?
  18. Don't be complaining, these are the people you have chosen to be around. Myself been married 32 years and have never experienced this. Nor any of the crap the OP posted. As they say, "you made your bed now sleep in it".
  19. What ever is left over maybe give it to the local "salang" guy. They drive around old 3 wheel motorcycles looking for scrap and for 30 years, aluminum, plastic, and glass. Hate being behind them driving but they provide a service. We do it as well by giving all the recyclables to him. He will offer to buy them and whip out his scale. Their kind is dying out. They are old and the kids dont want to do it. Nice to see them smile. You may have to ask a security guard, or local, or motorcycle driver about it.
  20. Good morning. Any more golden nuggets to spew? 😜 Its a vacuum not a floor polisher. Do you generally look for vacuum power or quietness when you purchase one?
  21. OP, you say you saw this today? How old is it though. Seeing this makes me think this is old news indeed. "However, now that some of their most important markets (e.g. Russia and China) will probably remain closed indefinitely, seriously hurting businesses." These markets have been open for months, and in fact both the Russians and Chinese have had the visa entry requirements reduced. This was not an op-ed but a advertisement for something as you can see so many links to various businesses and services. I would not put any thought into this article.
  22. Found this to be great. Lots of vacuum power and it will work in wet or dry. I use throughout the house and for our cars. https://www.google.com/search?q=indoor+oudoor+vacuum+cleaner+thailand&rlz=1C1SQJL_thTH900TH900&oq=indoor+oudoor+vacuum+cleaner+thailand&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQABiiBDIHCAIQABiiBDIHCAMQABiiBDIHCAQQABiiBDIHCAUQABiiBNIBCTE0MTgyajFqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Vacuum and water vacuum cleaner ELECTROLUX Z823 20 liters SKU: 1084372 3,190 baht 3,018 baht (special price only online) 263 items sold The dust collection tank is made from good quality materials. The vacuum pipe is made from 2 pieces of reinforced plastic, which is strong and durable. There is a microfilter dust filtration system. And there is a dry air system to keep the floor dry. and even more clean Dust tank capacity is 16 liters and water storage is 20 liters.
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