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Everything posted by marin

  1. The canned baked beans are all to sweet for me. I prefer a Pinto bean so make up my own Cajun beans, the recipe is very similar to that of the red beans, used in red beans and rice. Here are the fixin's for a big pot.
  2. In your mind mate. You sound like a vegan telling a carnivore not to eat meat. Like others have said this is not going to fly. Perhaps search out another crusade to embark upon. Especially in a country that has legalized what you are crusading against.
  3. As I recall you had some health problems while here. The medical care is not up to par in the Philippines especially outside of Manila. The food is going to be a really big deal for you. Their fruit in no way is near Thailand's as most is imported from China. Good luck.
  4. You have never been to Samitiwej Hospital have you? It will be very good and very deluxe service. For food you have a choice of Thai, Western Japanese, or Muslim. Every nurse will speak English well. Good luck to the OP. I also hope your insurance covers the bill.
  5. Ordinary citizens dont live in upscale military housing with guards and servants. Cut the BS "Loon Tu".
  6. Whoa!! Why is it unclear? Because Bangkok is such a huge city number one. Add to that the traffic and difficulties getting to some establishments. You have put no parameters on your study and you should have. Your research is seriously flawed. Example if you live in the LaSalle/Bearing area what good is a restaurant in the Laksi/Don Muang area? Perhaps if you had indicated what research you are doing and why, you might get better responses. This may be why you are getting "snarky" answers. May I ask you, are you always so demanding and condescending? This attitude will not do you much good here. Good luck as I for one dont like the attitude or lack of research parameters in totality. Other than that have a great day..
  7. marin

    Tuk Tuk drivers

    Nong Khai has interesting tuk tuk's they call skylabs, no idea why. But they are economical and can find their way through the maze of the one way streets there. The only place in Thailand I have gotten a kick out of a tuk tuk.
  8. Worked 31 years here and paid in each and every month. I feel entitled to it and have been collecting it for just over a year. Not much even at the top, just under 6000B a month, but its there. Its all based on time of work but calculated as the top salary being 15,000B a month.
  9. Googled this for Topomax, the other has to be available at some government hospital I would think. https://medtide.com/product/topiramate-topamax-25-mg-60-tablets/
  10. They are not all over, and very few outside of Bangkok. One reason Thai's are so shocked when they go abroad and see the homeless problems.
  11. marin

    Tuk Tuk drivers

    I doubt any of us ride in a tuk tuk. May I ask are you having fun? In less than 24 hours we have been treated to 7/11's are tourist attractions, Its hard to cross the street in Pattaya, and now tuk tuks. First time to the LOS I would guess, you seem to really be hitting all the hot spots.
  12. It is the best. Also a somewhat upscale restaurant that closes at 11pm. Truthfully not sure what they would think of the drunken Nana crowd. ????
  13. I have read his posts and threads. I dont believe a word he says, seems you do. Brothers in arms I guess you could say.
  14. Hi/So, are a small part of real Thailand. I have lived in the same nice upscale muban for 20+ years. My neighbors are all nice people who raised kids there as we did. Now a lot of retired people who exercise, chat and often eat together. They really have nothing to do with the scenario Bob described. You can get on with life here, or you can stay on the outside looking in. IMHO
  15. He seems to live and associate with the lowest form of Thai society. He has no idea of the real Thailand.
  16. Lets see if they enforce the new car seat rule. 555. Seriously though mother blames her bad driving on a toddler. Sure.
  17. They only want you to use it to watch their shows. I gave up 5 years ago when I got messages only their content you cant add more.
  18. Seems the title should be condo units and not real estate. I dont see the value of land going down anywhere in Thailand. The wife just sold 1 rai of very prime land she bought 18 years ago. She made a huge profit by investing in land not condo units all simply by doing her due diligence.
  19. Right now its a 6 hour time change to England. What would you guys do on a California time difference of 14 hours?????
  20. Pretty condescending post for a guy who seems to live for feedback on this forum. Also completely off the mark.
  21. Amazing what you can buy in Thailand isnt it bobby?
  22. marin

    Cheap barbers

    How long you been in Thailand? Two weeks?????
  23. marin

    BKK Hotel

    Can two bet? Biggest rooms they have are family rooms at 31sq mt, with an extra bunk bed. Romantic?
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