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Everything posted by marin

  1. Don't post if you dont know. 30+ years here and for all that time we have used filtered water and nary a problem one. I dont know one Thai house in our village that buys bottled water. Don' forget to brush your teeth with your bottled water. ????
  2. I think, and do mean think it would cost a lot more than that. You cant get any decent labor done anymore at that price. Its going to be backbreaking and you need somebody who knows what they are doing or you are going to end up with a shattered mess. I do admire your initiative and hope you can get it done. I do know that 22 years ago I paid a crew more than that to get a 500 kilo handmade desk up just 2 flights of stairs.
  3. ??? What are you mislead by? He/she paid for the car in full before driving it away.
  4. Correct, from a foodie website. At about 45-50°F, the olive oil can begin to solidify, making it look cloudy or crystalized. As the olive oil gets colder, it turns into the consistency of butter. When completely frozen, it becomes a very hard butter. That would be just about 10 as said Centigrade.
  5. You tell them big boy. Now go get a soapbox and start preaching..????
  6. That is exactly why I use an agent for my retirement visa and extensions. At CW this is just what they do. One and a half hours to convert a work B visa to an O for retirement. Simple. I was there and it came down just as I stated. No under considerations stamps, nothing. Good luck in your quest.
  7. Noodle soup mate, Tom Yum is not served with noodles.
  8. Why? Thai's dont eat sliced chicken sandwiches very much. Plus an easy solution. Buy some chicken breasts as I do. Take them home and season them. But them in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180. Take them out and slice them. Hopefully you will have mustard or mayonnaise along with some lettuce, tomatoes, perhaps some thinly sliced onions along with the bread of your choice. Make your sandwich up enjoy and save some money.
  9. Koh Chang is in no way deserted. In fact it is overbuilt. Next time go to Koh Kut same area but no cars. Only song taew trucks and motorbikes.
  10. Yes Laksi, Changwattana, straight easy shot to immigration. 5 minutes if not too much traffic.
  11. Why not the Red line? 50 baht in a taxi and less traffic?
  12. Nobody is accusing you of lying, in fact most have bee n quite nice. In reality if you left the country and returned on June 13, you will have to report in 90 days. The computer system does not know you left and was giving you a 90 day report due time with reference to your last 90 day report. The system did not know you have left. Its all good but you did not have to report until 90 days from June 13 by law.
  13. I reached 70 and was retired. I had year to year contracts the last 5 years. Nothing to do with a providence fund. I have that through my insurance.
  14. This post sums it up and is spot on. Emirates is a greatly desired job due to the high pay, opportunity for long hours, and free housing in Dubai. The salary is also paid in USD. If these boxes were not ticked be wary.
  15. I just retired and my severance was untaxed to me. I got the full 400 days with no tax at all. I had a housing allowance and that was included as well.
  16. Troll say what? From mods please close this thread to satisfaction. You are getting the attention you want thus fulfilling your dull days. Hanging in the "hong" as it pours down.
  17. First line should say my whore. I doubt many wish they were you. Staying with a bat sheet crazy sex worker who is going to go off again. Enjoy, dont forget to clean your rose tinted glasses.
  18. I wish you all the luck in the world but make sure you have a lot more than 500,00 to invest, there are going to be over runs on most things you have budgeted. Brave dude to start up a business with so little knowledge of Thailand.
  19. Not here unless you like Thai food, and most maids anywhere in the world dont cook. They clean, wash and iron that sort of thing. You are in Thailand not Imaginary Land.
  20. As said before you are dreaming. You want a chef, they are a lot more than 3600 a month. Best to put this idea aside. Getting a maid for just a few months is not going to be easy unless she works for an agency, and knows she can get work once you are long gone. Do you want a maid/cook or massage girl? We have had the same maid for 24 years, she came when the twins were born, the twins are now living and working in America and she is still with us. Basically has become a family member. 24 when she came and 48 now. Trust and honesty are the key. For simply a maid you can check pricing at maid agencies on Phuket.
  21. Well she got you so worked up you forgot how to spell. Well done you got yourself a hooker.
  22. Sorry but your post seems vague. Where are you and the girlfriend living now?
  23. Look mate I dont know. I simply reported what I knew as clear as I could. They were looking for attention it seems and got it. But they did not and will not get compensation. They had their medical bills covered. You sure did get excited over this, why not shoot on down and find out for yourself and perhaps eat some seafood? The whole area is set up for Thai's to come and enjoy.
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