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fatter than harry

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Posts posted by fatter than harry

  1. Everyone's doing it...

    At least, that's what your lover keeps telling you about trying anal sex. Now find out for yourself everything you've wanted to know about anal pleasure. This professionally written (but not technically challenging) book explores the taboo subject of anal sex as well as the parallel between enjoying anal pleasure and having a healthy anus.


    Dr. Harry Palmer is a sex therapist with a difference and an enthusiastic proponent of all things anal. Anal Pleasure & Health is 275 pages of history, information, advice and personal experiences all categorized in chapters that make any info easy to find. If you've ever been curious about anal play or just want to find out what the big deal is, this is the book for you!

    Pages: 275

    Style: Softcover

    In Stock: $18.00


    An outstanding book that is well written and easy to read. I found it liberating to have a professional discuss in an open manner the joys of anal pleasure, whether with oneself or a partner. Even though I am an experienced, educated gay male lover, I BENEFITED tremendously from reading Dr. Palmer's book.


  2. you really do have an attitude problem  or are you just gay?

    You could explain your last comment with charts and graphs and your mouth firmly planted on my cock and you'd still be wrong, you mildly retarded spaz, don't worry, cock is not on my list.

    I would have something to add about you, but I know nothing about you, ######monkey. Keep humping my leg, tarka.

  3. Thunderbirds are gay!

    I know, I know, what did I expect. I was suckered into buying the dvd after watching the 'making of' on Star the previous evening. If there has ever been a worse film made (apart from Disney's The Kid) I'd like to know about it.

    It's like The Goonies with no chunk, data, the breathalizer kid, the big fella who liked the chocolate, the great baddies, one eyed willie or the intelligent storyline [/irony] Take all that out, add 4 ripped gayboys and ghandi and you have Thunderbirds.

    This film is rubbish from start to finish, with the exception of parker who has a couple of funny lines. I give it one finger for consistency.

  4. no toastie old man... it's that bkk barney poster, he was tellin me all about the going on in there.. i think he's selling picture postcrads of tranny ning, if any one is interested

    It's like watching someone rob comedy at gunpoint and then kick it in the nuts repeatedly before shooting it in the face, then turning the gun on themself.

  5. Phil, I would have thought having a forum ruined by idiot postings would be something you'd currently hold dear.

    Palmer sets my teeth on edge, his posts in the main area are now nearly all troll posts, that's ok is it? It might be if they were funny.

    Nothing to do with teachers or teaching you see, just with new guests to thai visa coming into the forum with their muddy shoes, stealing whiskey from the decanter and shitting on the carpet.

    As for ruining this topic, look at it as a kind of protest.

  6. Palmer, bless your supple leather socks, you sounded like a nice fella when you first started posting on Thaivisa, a little irritating and way too 'Butlins-happy-helper' for my liking, but with nevertheless good intentions. However this last week has seen you trolling the main board for all your worth, accusing all and sundry of being sex-pats, well that's up to you bitchtits but don't get all cranky when you get called on it.

    Now you're a super teacher. The expert no less, the irony being that you either can't spell or have digits far too fat for your keyboard, I don't like pointing out spelling errors of others but as the messiah of teaching you should be <deleted> ashamed. mmmmmm, smell the irony, it's delicious.

    About the images....well, you should feel honoured to have received the kung foo bird. I typed 'Harry Palmer - uber teacher' into google images and it came out with the queer lesson planning thing above, shucks that must blow.

    Looks to me like you're in need of some help from the gay dog of disaproval.


    "Sit down and tell me all about the otters"

    I'll happily leave you alone in here if you stop trolling the main board, otherwise we can keep this up until the moderator in here says otherwise. To summarise, suck my balls.

  7. The Scorchions are playing in BKK? great, I bet UBC will loop play that whistling song between adverts for the next 5 months, looking forward to that!

    A la tuhuelpa legria macarena

    Que tuhuelce paralla legria cosabuena

    A la tuhuelpa legria macarena Eeeeeeeeh, macarena!

    Love that German rock.

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