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fatter than harry

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Posts posted by fatter than harry

  1. Sleeping with the same old person for years tends to fall into a routine. There must be some ways to get the sparks back. 

    I think the key is to stay awake.


  2. yellow panties is not a healthy sign

    Thanks for the tip tuky, I rushed to the doctor's, pulled my panties off in his office and pushed them into his face screaming "Loooook! they're yeeelllooooow! what shall I dooooooo?!!!!"

    He said next time buy white panties - phew!

  3. I find the guys who claim to have had a different woman in Thailand every night, to be very lonely people. These guys largely have never been able to maintain a relationship, and/or have never had a true long term relationship, nor known the feeling of having someone who is a best friend, confidant, lover, and partner.

    I like your posts fella but this I don't agree with, I don't take a girl every night but I'm single and employed in Thailand so I guess I fall into that category.

    I had a relationship for 3 years with my one true love [insert overture, heavy string section] and she broke my heart constantly and to varying degrees over that time, she was my best friend, confidant and lover and also a headbutting phsyco killer, rabbit boiling, nail spitting, volcanic angered vodka red bull fuelled fully insane cracker.

    I loved her lots, she called me rabies.

    She was one of the reasons I escaped TUKOGBANI to join the Thailand Foreign Legion. I fondly remember the time she broke into my house, crept into my bedroom and cracked my sleeping head with a saucepan, also the time she spent a shopping trip naked save for a jaunty hat, raincoat and boots.

    My very loose point is that whilst I do fit into your sad lonely loser profile I have definately done all the other stuff that I'm not supposed to have done, and have the bruises (she called them lovepunches - sniff)

    Anyway, the main reason I posted is to raise my virtual cricket bat to the crowd and salute my own half century. :o

    Carry on.

  4. It was fun for a while, outscaring the scaries, I came back from a phonecall and all the TV guys had left, I was alone with pant_sniffer and Big_Man_69

    Any news on when we get OFCS back? I'm missing the normal tomfoolery and I can sniff my own pants thank you very much. :o

  5. I also love the smell of coffee in the morning and the sound of a good harmony and a bluegrass fiddle.

    Yep, I'm with you there, coffee in the morning, the sound of a good harmony and a bluegrass fiddle always does it for me too, we all love a good fiddle (sorry) but that whole bluegrass thing really pulls at the heart.

    and I'm a pom (got that Elsie? A POM :o ), maybe hick's are universal?

    I also like it when dogs lick me. Is that wrong?

  6. wooooohooooo, you're all clear Elsie, I smell no George on you - carry on!

    One question, did you eat asparagus yesterday?

    [Head banging and double wanging to:]

    Als mein Grosspapa

    Seine Liebe gestand

    Hat der Grossmama

    Rote Rosen gesandt

    Yeah baby!

  7. You mean it's true?!

    Rats, that purple rubber dress will have to go into the can

    Seriously, I used to work with a front office manager that always used a purple pen with glitter in it, granted the glitter was a bit of a giveaway but I did enquire as to why he always used a purple pen and the receptionists said that purple was a sign that he played for the other side.

    ok ok, they didn't quite that, they gleefully shouted "He Gay he gay!" in front of lobby full of customers. :o

    Conclusive evidence I feel.

  8. I just posted in the latest BC thread to stay open and it closed on me, I wanted to say:

    Frankly I feel a bit ashamed to continue posting whilst Brue is banned, he is a special member, the glue of TV, like the special grandma that wets herself and forgets your name, you can't help but love her!

    What were you guys thinking by banning him? He's no Zoid or Erco. I know this is your forum but gadzukes fellas, it's a two way street this respect for the forum rules thing, we invest a lot of time here and this banning is very bad form indeed.

    An unhappy FTH

    ( :o see?)


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