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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. Maybe you could talk her into a threesome... ????
  2. Sorry, but a tap card can be cloned while it's still in your wallet by someone walking behind you with a relatively cheap scanner. That's why the current trend is to have an rfid blocking wallet that prevents the scanning.
  3. Picky about coffee and you use a flavored creamer? Haha. Good one.
  4. So all the women who are unlucky enough to live in one of the inbred states aren't competent enough to decide what to do with their own bodies?
  5. Get out the coat hangers... Coming up soon: ban on gay marriage, lbgtq rights, etc.
  6. Nope, sorry. If ANYTHING you see on youtube is correct it will be on a reputable source. If it isn't on a reputable source it isn't correct. A lot of the posters on YT are self apointed experts, likely uneducated and unpublished. It's entertainment, not medical(or political or whatever) facts.
  7. Nowhere near enough. And with the supreme court about to loosen restrictions even more, it will only get worse. Since everyone there now owns and carries(at least in their car) a gun, what used to be settled in a fist fight now becomes a mass shooting event, many occurring each week at bars all over the USA. No idea what the answer is, but this isn't it. Is the US on travel advisories over this yet? It should be.
  8. Youtube for medical info? Haha. Sucker.
  9. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/975941 Storks everywhere, rejoice. A new study shows that the ability to stand on one leg for at least 10 seconds is strongly linked to the risk of death over the next 7 years. According to the findings, people in middle age and older who couldn't perform the 10-second standing test were nearly four times as likely to die of any cause ― heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and more ― in the coming years than those who could, well, stand the test of time. "As a physician who has worked with cardiac patients for over four decades, I was very impressed in finding out that, for those between 51 and 75 years of age, it is riskier for survival to not complete the 10-second one-leg standing test than to have been diagnosed as having coronary artery disease or in being hypertensive" or having abnormal cholesterol, Araújo told Medscape Medical News.
  10. International prices are significantly cheaper than that. Canada, which has had legal marijuana for a few years, has 14 grams of around 20% thc starting around $50CDN for all 14 grams. That's around $3.50 a gram, or about 95 baht. Good luck squeezing money from all the unaware suckers.
  11. I watched All the Old Knives last night. Didn't see Chris Hemsworth anywhere. Maybe you meant Chris Pine. You can tell the difference by the accent. All the Old Knives was a 6 at best.
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