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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/09/26/politics/chinese-nuclear-powered-submarine-sank/index.html CNN — China’s newest nuclear-powered submarine sank pierside in the spring and the Chinese Navy tried to conceal the loss, according to two US defense officials. The attack submarine was the first of its new Zhou-class line of vessels, the official said, under construction at a shipyard near the city of Wuhan. The Zhou-class submarines have a distinctive X-shaped stern, designed to improve maneuverability underwater. A satellite image from March 10, taken by Maxar Technologies, shows the Zhou-class sub, with its signature x-shape tail, docked at the port. Additional Maxar imagery reviewed by CNN from later in June shows that the sub did not return to the pier.
  2. Or: Move to Cambodia. No problem there. Happens all the time.
  3. https://www.philippines-expats.com/
  4. Eewww. I won't even drink the Glen's anymore and you want me to go that low?
  5. It's all I can afford. Sorry.
  6. Yeah, but what about the taxes on my Macallan?
  7. Nobody cares what Joe manchin says. His 15 minutes of fame was when he was the blocking vote in the senate. He's just trying to get 16 minutes instead of 15.
  8. Then why won't he do the second presidential debate on CNN? Spouting nonsense to pretend news organizations like faux news or newsmax where they don't ask anything meaningful is hiding.
  9. Surely you jest. Hard to take a license away when they don't have one in the first place.
  10. The only way they could get Melania to ”appear” like she was supporting her husband's presidential run was to pay her. And all the other stuff she's been saying like they need to look into the first assassination attempt has been to sell her upcoming book, not support the Donald.
  11. You must be from Canada. The only place anyone has heard of the Tragically Hip.
  12. There are both French and English (dubbed) versions out there.
  13. It's on appeal now and should be reinstated shortly.
  14. I worked in North Carolina for a bit. The local dance everyone was doing was called the shag. We had some Brits visiting and I overheard one of the secretaries talking to one of them telling him how much she liked to shag. I could barely contain myself.
  15. What? No sense of humor? You must be a Brit.
  16. Yeah, I'm going to have to add a new column to my idiot foreigner spreadsheet. Russians. Brits. Aussies. Now Belgians.
  17. Ssshhhh. You're going to let the cat out of the bag
  18. Onion, cucumber and mayo.
  19. I just plugged the input for the tp-link into one of the outputs in the fiber router with no messing with the settings on the fiber box. As for gaming, you're going to get more lag the farther (more boxes it needs to go through, not distance) you are away from the fiber router.
  20. Mesh wifi is the way to go. I have a cheap tp-link wifi router (ax3000) and a mesh repeater (re330). Plug the router into your fiber router and install as many repeaters as necessary. You can, of course, get faster versions of the ones I bought. I like the re330 because it plugs directly into a wall plug as opposed to the ones that require table space. Setup was very easy.
  21. In SE Asia age has always, until recently obviously, demanded respect. In the west it's put the old folks in a home so we don't have to be bothered with taking care of them. Here it used to he they were looked after by the family. And I never saw anywhere in the article said she was an alcoholic. She enjoyed a daily drink, like many on this board.
  22. That damn scurvy. Makes you steal. He could have just taken an orange or lime in a market somewhere.
  23. There's just no respect for the elderly any more. It's becoming more and more like the west every day.
  24. And what's going on in Venezuela? A president who lost the election is refusing to give up power. Remind you of anyone?
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