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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Love the acronym for the self service - CUSS. There will be a fair bit of that I am sure. These systems rarely work properly when first implemented.
  2. Does conditional bail include withholding his passport?
  3. A minor point, but how can you lose something that you never had?
  4. If the USA is serious about this mock proposal, then we can expect an Afghanistan V2
  5. Well done for the quick response from the neighbours.
  6. Sadly, this is a common experience these days. People are just not prepared to wait. Glad that the kids are all OK.
  7. Those are not wasted votes. It is usually people that are fed up of the fixed election results and bad government with little or no choices. It's called a protest vote.
  8. Sorry, but please remind me what happened in Tiananmen Square?
  9. Probably because he could not swim. There are not too many Thais taller than 2 metres.
  10. Most Thai people still love Thaksin. I suspect that it will take another coup or a political court case to remove him.
  11. 7/11's selling beer all day today here on Samui.
  12. Apart from the recycling benefit, cans do not shatter and leave broken pieces on the sand where they can cut your feet. Then there are the professional scavengers. These folk go through the bins etc and collect the cans to sell to the scrap people. I had one pool guy who left because he could make more money scavenging - and flexible hours.
  13. From what we can read, it seems that his mother did nothing wrong
  14. A whole article of waffle when the guy was probably only caught because he was leaving the country. Nobody had to 'swoop' at all.
  15. No mention of fines for not wearing helmets.
  16. Hmm. I wonder where the rest of the money went?
  17. Finally, some good news thank you. Well done Israel.
  18. Let's hope that the poachers do not work out where the tigers are.
  19. They have been doing this for a month or two at Fisherman's village here on Samui. People trying to head home only to find that their bike has been chained to all of the others, or that there is a clamp on the car. There is a note taped to the bike/car explaining where the police are and to go and pay the fine. It has become a big money earner for the police. On my last visit there, there were about 30 or more bikes chained up and 20 or so cars with clamps. Not bad for one night. One twit was even trying to drive home with the clamp still attached to the car. It did not end well.
  20. This is a very sad joke. They may as well tell people to buy oxygen cylinders and carry them around. In most of Thailand, restaurants are open air. That one of the things that tourists and visitors love about Thailand How are you going to fix that Mr Government?
  21. Thaksin was the first PM to really push the PR side of the business. That was surpassed by leaps and bounds by the illegal military motley mob. Daughter is only following in Dad's footsteps.
  22. Not much of a sweep then. If they only found 17 individuals, then they are not even scratching the surface of the issue.
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