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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Do not panic. The article that I read said that the stop was on new bank accounts for new DTV's (or whatever it is called) and new retirements. Not on extensions. However, I would not be surprised if the agents decided to keep a low profile until the rules are finalised. Mind you, the press are not always accurate in their reporting.
  2. Come on PTT. Time to stop funding the military murderers and drug dealers. Buy the gas elsewhere. PS there is nothing to stop the military from appropriating the fuel for other purposes.
  3. I realise that but it would create a state of panic with other passengers and he would be in a ton of trouble with the airline. They would probably restrain him on the flight.
  4. Well done Israel. If the murdering Hamas do not release the rest, start the bombing again.
  5. Now where are the BIB's going to get their fix?
  6. The recent crackdown is in spite of the fact that the scams have been going on for years and years. And the Thai authorities knew about them. Suddenly, tourists stop coming and it's 'Houston - we have a problem'. Shame on you Thailand.
  7. A bit like what he and others do to their opponents aka Thaksin???
  8. Sadly, that is a common occurrence on Thailand's roads - especially here on Samui. I warn all visitors - "no one gives way to a motorbike. Just assume that everyone is trying to kill you".
  9. Including vaping and smoking cannabis. And if the police actually implemented the fines, Thailand would generate a huge income stream and there would be no need for the overseas income debacle.
  10. I have nor signed for anything for years. They just take photos of the package on the table on the deck. I do not use COD as I am often away from the house. I have never lost a package, but I have received packages that do not belong to me. Reason is simple, my address has been here for 25 years and everyone knows it. Most of my customers and guests use my address for deliveries. I do not know about other parts of Thailand but here, the house number does not tell anyone where the house is. You are just given the next number in the sequence when you ask for the Tabian Baan. I built three houses, in a row, next to each other. First is #11, second is #26, third is #52. Thailand Post have given up delivering letters to our area. I have received no standard post for three years now.
  11. But many Thais think that it is only foreigners on free visas that fight. https://aseannow.com/topic/1351782-tourist-brawl-in-phuket-sparks-debate-on-visitor-behavior-video/
  12. And that is just one reason why there should not be casinos in Thailand. There will be more desperate, broke people if they go through with it.
  13. If you keep the money knowing that it is not yours, that is a (minor) criminal offence in Thailand. Contact your bank or better still, the head office via email and explain it all to them. They can track the source. Does your bank statement show the originating account?
  14. I agree with you. He should be escorted. What if halfway through the flight he forgets where he is and tries to open the plane door.
  15. But didn't the Finance minister say that exports would weaken unless the BOT dropped interest rates? That comment (and others) show why the government should not get involved with the BOT.
  16. I have a glass or two every night, but I do not need to suppress anything. I just do not get angry. Only ever been involved in one fight - 65 years ago. School bully would not let me walk away. (I lost! )
  17. Maybe try the locksmith on the road between arrivals and departures at the airport. He is on the corner of the turning to the crocodile farm. He is our go to person for cutting keys and 'breaking' into safes and he also carries some batteries for car/bike remotes.
  18. That statement is very sad and very true.
  19. I do not know about Pattaya, but on Samui, the fines for traffic offences are the same for Thais and foreigners. The only difference is that sometimes, the Thais genuinely do not have the money to pay the fine. They are told to 'call a friend' and if that fails, then they have to stay with the police until the checkpoint closes.
  20. Firefighting is a very difficult and dangerous job. Well done to Firefighters everywhere. Sad that a colleague has been lost whilst doing the job that he loved.
  21. I have always just turned up with my PCX but as Joinaman says, it is high season - best to book if you can. I never travel to the mainland during high season. Mind you, with a bike, I am sure that you would not have to wait too long.
  22. The law was in place pre Thaksin. I vaguely remember it when I was working in Bangkok in 1993 and it was in place (but not enforced) when I moved permanently to Samui in 2000. i am currently on KPN for a few days and Buddha Days and the 14:00 to 17:00 bans are completely ignored here. Three different places served cans of beer. (The bottle ban starts tomorrow.)
  23. I find it all a tad amusing. Different states rushing to create new departments. Hiring extra staff, renting offices and all of the associated costs with setting up a 'business' - all in the name of saving money!
  24. Whilst this has never affected me - alcohol is always available when you know where. it can be an issue for tourists. Guests checking in yesterday after a 24 hour journey, only to arrive at their accommodation and they cannot buy a drink. Luckily for them, I had some spare. Here on Samui, there was a period when the smaller convenience stores were given a free pass to sell, but that has been stopped.
  25. Not extinct yet. I still read books, as do some friends. Two books on the go at a time. I do not have a TV, nor do I watch films or You Tube, Tik Tok whatever. Just books and on-line newspapers. Us dinosaurs live on - just.
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