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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. So much for the concept of 'to protect and serve'. I know that he has not been found guilty - yet.
  2. What the heck? Maybe they should replace the dog with one of the villagers?
  3. It is sad when the best that the government's PR people can come up with is - Whoopity woo.
  4. Find the culprit and tape their mouth over. See how they feel not being able to have a drink of water all day - outside in the heat.
  5. And desperate dinosaurs do desperate things. The Thais are screwed.
  6. It higher than other SE Asia countries. Vietnam especially. Vietnam's workforce is also much better educated. Guess where some International manufacturing companies will think about moving to?
  7. All cats should be put down. They are natural predators and kill all sorts of wildlife - not only for food. In some countries, free roaming cats are causing some native animals and birds to disappear, almost to extinction. The UK is considering laws that cats must be on leads if outside. By law - they must be microchipped. https://www.catster.com/statistics/how-many-birds-do-cats-kill-statistics/
  8. Please make that all smokers. Tobacco, e-cigarettes and weed.
  9. AI put words in place that are not correct. It was not submerged. The water was not that high. According to the article, he had just turned right onto the road (without looking first?) The motor bike was coming towards him and bibbed his horn to warn him. (I do it all the time when dingbats just pull out.) I would think that he accelerated to go round the bike as it sped towards him.
  10. So, AN no longer shows us latest news. We have to scroll through articles that are ages old? Thanks - not. Cannot be bothered. Typical 'change for changes sake'? Why break something that was not broken?
  11. Yet when Prayut made the same gesture, no one said a word. Strange eh?
  12. My son had brain cancer. I watched him die over a period of two and a half years. Not nice. The last nine months - in a hospice. The care there was excellent, but he was a vegetable. He could do nothing for himself and could not communicate. He was not able to make a decision. His wife was the one who wanted him to stay alive as long a possible. Her decision (she was an ex nurse) and I respected that decision. That will not be how I go. I have a living will and I have told the hospital here that no one will pay the bill if they keep me alive.
  13. They check a lot more than that on vehicles here on Samui. Lights, indicators, brakes, tyres, exhaust etc etc. Bikes, trucks and cars. I even have to have the truck certified as safe for LPG. I do not know where they check heavy vehicles though.
  14. Oh dear. Desperate dinosaurs trying every trick that they can think of to keep their power. Next it will be 'PM being prosecuted for wearing the wrong colour clothes.'
  15. Not really. Most Thais who eat and sleep on the floor do not have money to buy furniture. They are used to not needing possessions. Luckily, things have improved so that most now have fridges, TV's and phones. (I am not convinced that the last two are really improvements.)
  16. So last night, very loud music from a dodgy beach club in Bangrak. The loud music is not unusual from this club, but last night broke all records. I had to close all doors and windows it was so loud and I could still hear it. Bear in mind that I am a few kilometers away. Not next door. But I am in direct line of sight. The other thing was that they usually turn the music down at midnight Not last night. 03:00 still going strong. How come other business/hotels are doing nothing about them? Anyone else out there unhappy with them?
  17. They are not alone Vietnamese in Bangkok. and from the Phuket Express The islands are definitely multi-national but with Russians leading the pack. The recent stories in the Samui news - Austrian tour guide Canadian drug dealer and no WP Italian locked in office Brit illegal beauty clinic Thai kills boyfriend Russian car rental Ukrainian car rental Australians collecting garbage (well done Aussies) Spaniard life sentence for murder Dane confirmed gaol sentence Gambian drug dealer Russian overstay Israeli drug dealer Russian illegal hairdresser
  18. I have run my business from my pool villa for more than 20 years.
  19. I suspect that the other party is banking on the fact that they have more money than you to throw at this. Do you have a legally binding contract? I have been involved in a number of court cases in my time here in Thailand, and I have found the judges to be pretty fair in every case. It is not always down to 'the letter of the law'. The spirit of the law does come into play at times. Only one of the court cases involved money and the judge was pretty reasonable in my favour.
  20. He does not have a passport or a visa. He has a (dodgy) Thai id card. How does that make 90 day reporting a failure?
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