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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Very true. My friends think that I am stupid as I always stop when I see an accident to see if I can help. On three of those occasions, the local gawkers have tried to blame me. To the extent that the police came to my house. Luckily witnesses or 'forensics' showed that there was no case each time.
  2. Just go to Central Festival as per the appointment. You should be OK. Earlier is better than later. They sometimes (not often) run out of vaccines.
  3. As far as I know, January 4 - 9 was for walk-ins. Keep your appointment. Did it say where to go?
  4. The Test and Go is not fit for purpose. We have had a number of guests now that have been negative after the first PCR test on their one night quarantine, but are found to be positive after the second PCR test some five days later. Where the guest is asymptomatic or mild symptoms, they are being allowed to quarantine in their rental villa. No visitors.
  5. So true. Some places are so busy that the delivery people are taking an hour or more - from local restaurants/shops. Slightly off topic (sorry) but when I saw the photo - I thought that is was a photo of Hong Kong.
  6. From another thread here :- Updated domestic travel regulations One of the following is needed... QR Code "???????????? ????????????????" For visitors who are completely vaccinated in Thailand with 2 doses of Sinovac / Sinopharm / Sputnik V or crossed for formula not less than 7 days OR for visitors who are vaccinated 1 dose with AstraZeneca / Pfizer / Moderna / Johnson & Johnson not less than 21 days. QR Code "???????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????" Unvaccinated visitors need to show Samui Health Pass QR Code together with one of the following documents: ATK/RT-PCR test / Certificate of recovery from COVID-19 / Travel Certificate from Samui less than 2 days, QR Code "???????????????????????????????? ????????????????" - The Thailand Pass Qr Code is for visitors coming from abroad under Test & Go & Sandbox scheme. No other documents needed to enter Samui. Source: COVID Center Ko Samui and kosamuilife.com.
  7. I would be surprised if the one day quarantine isn't suspended for an indefinite period. We have seen three groups of guests who came under the Test and Go umbrella. They tested negative on their first PCR test. Left quarantine but tested positive on their second PCR test at their holiday accommodation. They are then in quarantine for between 10 - 14 days at that accommodation. ie until they are clear.
  8. According to another newspaper, it was announced in the Royal Gazette yesterday. Starts on Tuesday 11th Jan.
  9. Also Krabi, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Tao and one other. (The name escapes me at the moment.)
  10. There are quite a few places on Samui where there is a charge for parking or for access whilst the 'ownership' of the land is a tad flaky to say the least.
  11. This scam has been around for a while. I believe that dildos were the favourite item back then! I never buy with COD. (I am rarely at home anyway!)
  12. No surprise that the number of positives has jumped so high. Yesterday there were 3,555 positive ATK test results. Looks like most were not false positives! Looks like the old saying is true - 'seek (test) and ye shall find.'
  13. So you are OK with the fact that the 'Thais' have closed down a whole sector of its economy, millions are out of work - with zero financial support and little hope on the horizon. Enjoy your ivory tower. PS I am less concerned about other parts of the world. I am very concerned about the people in Thailand who are desperate for food.
  14. Obviously not the sharpest pencil in the box. His bike was still at the gas station.
  15. The blame game and the scapegoats are all in place. Prayut will say 'I told you to behave and take care but you ignored me and went drinking! It is your fault khun public.' Shutdown V3 on the way
  16. osted 1 hour ago Because the virus keeps showing after 2 or 3 days after arrival. That is why they have stopped Test and Go. All under that scheme have to have a second test on day 5 or 6
  17. I think that the recovery is going to take a very long time. The government policies make Thailand a less attractive destination.
  18. Do all of the hotels have notices in all rooms explaining to guests that mask wearing is compulsory? When I tell our guests, they all show surprise as 'no one told us'. Then - how do they tell the local Thais?
  19. We are having problems reporting TM30 and TM90 online. (No surprise there.) The accountant has to go to the immigration office and report 'over the counter'. For the last month or so, she has been going to a new office in Choengmon. (Near the 7/11 on the outbound road to Chaweng.) Just thought that I would mention it as it may save some people some time. Happy New Year everyone.
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