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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. I had to go to the DLT office at the provincial capital (Suratthani) for my IDP. Very quick and professional service.
  2. Pretty well sums up all of the policies of this illegal government. Leaks everywhere.
  3. Good luck on getting a half decent security guard for 10,000 baht per month here on Samui. we are paying 17,000 baht per month! Cheaper if you employ direct but then you need three guards. Day/Night and back up for days off, holidays and sickness.
  4. About four/five years. I take just a Berodual inhaler - two doses once per day now. After a pulmonary function test back then, I was also told to try Relvar Elipta and that made a big improvement. But after two years - not effective any more.
  5. You may want to try breathing exercises to help to strengthen the lungs as well as relax for sleeping. I have COPD and use one of two methods (depending on how tired I am). First - relax your muscles. Especially the shoulders. 1 Breath in for four seconds, hold for four seconds and out for four seconds. or 2 Breath in for six seconds, hold for seven seconds and out for eight seconds. Do this three times then increase the time. ie in for seven, hold for eight and out for nine. Three times and increase the time again. By then I am usually asleep. Works for me anyway - good luck.
  6. It is a 2,000 baht fine for the owner or house manager not to report a temporary guest on a TM30. Immigration do a sweep every 2 or 3 years in the area where we work looking for 'under documented' foreigners. They check the villas as most hotels follow the rules. I do not know if anyone has every been fined. You will probably need a TM30 report for a visa extension.
  7. I thought that pythons do not eat every day. It takes a few days for them to digest their prey.
  8. If you read my post again, you will see that I did not write 'change their mind'. My next sentence reads that it happens all of the time.
  9. Here is another one for the conspiracy theorists. Motorbike driving along and sees the garbage truck slowing down (brake lights) and indicating left, so the bike goes to overtake the truck. At the last minute the truck swings to the right onto the wrong side of the road to make turning into the narrow lane more easy. Happens all of the time in front of me when I am on my bike. Most roads on Samui are quite narrow once you are off the main ring road.
  10. That about sums the problem up. Die if you do and die if you don't.
  11. That is not my experience having lived here for more than 20 years. I have been in need of the police support on a number of occasions and found them to be helpful and sympathetic. Stolen kayak - recovered. A farang on a motorbike was attacked and punched by a drugged up local rich guy - sorted. Local Thai crashed his scooter and his friend accused me of causing the accident - police said no. Security guard beaten up by a local 'Mr big' - resolved. Two lost kids - found and so on. I have never been asked for money or a bribe.
  12. They are banned already. There is a legal limit to the %age of tinting. I think that law still stands. The RTP argue they they do not have the ability to accurately check that %age - ergo, tint away!
  13. I guess that you have never tried walking in a straight line through a jungle?
  14. Parked taxis have always been a problem. They spend ages waiting for that 'big hit'.
  15. I see that the 'watchman' is wearing ear buds. Is that so that Uncle Tuu can tell him what to say in meetings?
  16. I think that you will find that prices have really gone up over the last two years. Especially gasoline.
  17. No it is not. Medicinal cannabis is legal. Smoking it is not. The confusion is the problem as explained in the article. There are lots of restrictions but people are not aware of them.
  18. Always good reporting from the Thai Enquirer. They are usually prepared to report the truth rather than the 'political' line. (Unlike many Thai papers.) Thank you
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