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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. That is why they are pushing ATK testing. It 'fixes' the numbers nicely by hiding lots of positives. Yes, some are false positives (as are some of the PCR tests) but the majority are correct positives. These are conveniently forgotten.
  2. Yesterday's articles on this rule stated that it was for domestic flights. Not International. "People wishing to take a flight in Thailand"
  3. Depends where you are travelling from. This is the latest that I have seen. One unpublished rule - Burmese cannot travel from Donsak to Samui, even if vaccinated.
  4. ATK positive test results are climbing steadily (7,421 yesterday) but not included in the 'official' positive results.
  5. I believe that you have to go to the health department that provided the vaccines and where you are registered to receive the vaccine.
  6. I believe that the problem with the lack of bins and poor rubbish collecting is caused primarily by the residents and not the local government. There were plenty of large green rubbish bins around when I first came here. I even put a few out myself. However, when it came to renewing the collection contract, it was found that very few residents actually paid the 'garbage tax'. Yes folks, there is a fee to pay every month if you want your rubbish to be collected. Using the bins is not free. So, with very few residents paying the tax, the government boys removed them. (Even my ones ) Most hotels and businesses do pay the fee. Most local Thais burn their rubbish and do no dump it. Most foreigners do not pay the fee (in my experience). Those that rent say that it is the landlord's problem. (Whose rubbish is it again? Is it in the contract?) Those that own their property quite often just 'fly tip' their rubbish anywhere that they see a bin or a cage. Or in the worst cases - create a 'rubbish dump' at the side of the road. Where I live, there are more than 80 properties. We manage approx. 25 of them.They are all registered at the Tessaban and we pay monthly for them. Most of my neighbours admit to not paying for garbage collection tax and they just drop their garbage at the nearest 'pile' on the side of the road. Masks, plastic cups, bottles and beer cans thrown at the side of the road are eventually picked up by the recycle people or the government road clearers. (On bikes with a side car and wear yellow shirts.) OK rant over. It's us - not them that are at fault.
  7. Rushing to get the children back to school is not a good idea. Even if they are vaccinated, they will bring Covid into their homes and into the local community. Most elderly are not vaccinated yet. Vaccinate the old folk first - then the kids. Here on Samui - very few cases until the last week. Two clusters, both at schools. about 78 cases and counting.
  8. And that is one of the reasons why Thailand has been on the red list in some countries. Unproven 'cocktail' roulette.
  9. Maybe look up sunbirds or bee eaters. We have both down here on Samui. They hover and take nectar from the flowers. Many different colours (yellow, yellow and blue, green red and yellow) and all very cute. (Sorry but I am not an ornithologist. I just love the nature around my house. These are stock photos.)
  10. As an SME with 15 employees that are totally reliant on the tourism industry, believe me, this employer will be very grateful for ANY financial assistance. For one and a half years, the company has received nothing. By the way, I pay for the Social Security for all of my staff, as well as their income tax. All of my staff have received cash handouts from the government already.
  11. Asian elephant will eat 150 kilograms and drink 40 litres of water . (With thanks to DuckDuckGo)
  12. It is not just elephant camps. All over Thailand there are also rescue centres. These people try and rescue (buy - 40-50,000 baht) the elephants and then look after them. They too are struggling with there being zero tourists. However, donations to these centres do go to the elephants. I have been to the local one here and have donated and seen where the money goes. Just donate to ones in your local area. There will be one somewhere. https://samuielephanthaven.org/rescued-elephants/
  13. Misleading number. Not 'considerable progress' at all. Some lucky bluggers have had 4 doses. Most have had none. One just cannot believe the numbers that this government quote. Then there are the doses 'wrongly' administered and the squeezing more doses per vial.
  14. If it is legal too smoke cigarettes then it may as well be legal to vape. Both fruck up your lungs and both are obnoxious to non users.
  15. It very much depends on the rules and regs of the management company. From the view of maintaining the 'beauty' and the value of the development - yes. In my limited experience, foreign run developments - what you suggest is true. Where the management is a local 'profit making' enterprise - less likely.
  16. Amateur radio operator. Radio hamateur https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amateur_radio_operator
  17. I suspect that it is a weapon for firing 'rubber' bullets. However, it is still illegal and the rest of your comments stand.
  18. Boots in Big C does a pack of 5 tests which saves a bit of money. About 1,100 baht (I think- not sure).
  19. Unlike murder committed by well connected people. (Boss. Jo Ferrari etc)
  20. He has confessed to all allegations. (Earlier TV/AN report.)
  21. You are wrong. This is nothing to do with the Thai government. This is the French government giving the vaccine to French and non French family members (including Thais).
  22. No it is a security failure. I understand that it is because the website certificate is now out of date. I am having a similar problem with the paper and some Thai government websites.
  23. Pretty irrelevant I think. He has confessed to all allegations. Why put her through the pain of telling everyone.
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