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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Just heard that Lomprayah have cancelled all trips to/from Koh Tao today.
  2. 60,000 baht for a hit these days. Back in 2002, when a friend of mine was shot, the hit man only received 5,000 baht. Paying folk to kill people is getting expensive.
  3. I guess that they did not look too hard the first time.
  4. And local lections just around the corner. Hope that the two things are not connected.
  5. Cars, vans, trucks etc rarely give way to a motorcycle. They tend to assume that the bike will always give way. Happens to me most days when I am on my bike. Coming out of a side road, they will stop and look. When they see that it is a bike on the main road, they then pull out in front of me. Not saying that this is what happened here, but maybe.......
  6. There is a connected article in the BP this morning (last story of three) It seems that there is a whole village north of Ayutthaya producing converted/illegal guns. The article mention OTOP. https://www.bangkokpost.com/life/social-and-lifestyle/2937881/disarming-teen-druggie-auntie-busted-otop-gun-trade
  7. I also noticed an extra speedboat service Koh Samui/Koh Phangan Echo Travel https://echohostels.com/speedboat FMP tonight. Not much fun making the journey in this weather.
  8. New temporary timetable for Lomprayah during the strong winds.
  9. Up to 17 million of them in Thailand depending on what you read. That is a conservative guesstimate. Impossible to tell as many are home made or illegally modified.
  10. It's an even bigger problem for wheelchair users. They put lifts at subway stations, but first they have to navigate streets like this to get there.
  11. Probably 'left behind' because officials keep on about the fact that there is no prostitution in Pattaya.
  12. Love the smirk on Pita's face in the second photo. He is probably thinking 'I am the future. I will outlive you.'
  13. Good luck there. For many Thais, drug addiction is their only reason for living. They see no future in a country that only helps the rich. The public Thai education system only trains kids to follow orders. Not life skills.
  14. Well, that will make some folks think twice about coming to Thailand
  15. Oh. You mean like Prayut (and others before him) killing protesters. Thank you. Are we all still pretending that Thailand is a democracy?
  16. And still the best man for the job! (I do not think that he has actually killed anyone - yet.) Those traits that you describe are true for every PM in Thailand during at least the last 25 years. A 'dual PM system' is the norm here. The others have had their strings pulled by people out of sight. Thaksin is just more honest about it.
  17. Sad but true. And the bar stewards know that they are unlikely to be deported. Even if the courts agree to do, entitled pratts on the plane stop it.
  18. I agree, but it is understandable with the flexible interpretations of immigration rules. I one believes that the visa may not be extended...........
  19. You have probably missed out on an awesome deal from a Nigerian Prince trying to give away his money.
  20. You are reading the wrong section if you want to read about Thailand. Try this one - nothing about Trump here. 100% Thailand. https://aseannow.com/forum/458-thailand-live/
  21. Ekalak is just the trigger man. The person who set it up and who paid him will be a 'cut out'. The real murderer will be the next one in the chain.
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