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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Work, running a small business.
  2. I do not waste my time on anything that takes longer than 20 minutes to prepare and cook. (That includes opening and pouring the wine.) From opening the fridge to sitting at the table - 20 minutes max. The 'longest' meal that I cook is marinaded pork chop (TOPS), BBQ'd with tomato and onions. and frozen, spicy potato wedges cooked in the air fryer. It just fits into the time slot. As an aside, I do have candlelight dinners now and again. 🕯️🍽️🍷 🕯️ We get quite a few power cuts. Has to be cold chicken though, the air fryer needs electricity.
  3. Very well done to those lads. Not a very elegant boarding by the lady but Job Done.
  4. I suspect that diplomacy did not resolve this case. After multiple statements that the Thai fishermen were going to be released - and nothing happened, surprise, surprise. Arrest some Burmese fishermen and 'Hey Presto'. Coincidence? I think not. The illegal, military Burmese government only understands threats, power and money. (Not forgetting drugs of course.)
  5. Well done Ms. Anantaya. Sad that you had to do it, but enough is enough. Thailand does not do enough for people in your situation.
  6. You are wasting your time girls. No matter what the result of the investigation, the patient cannot be blamed. The fault would be with the corrections department or the doctors.
  7. The F-wit ran the light on purpose. Another case of 'my van is bigger and more important - they can wait for me'?
  8. The expression that we use is 'they leave their brains on the planes'.
  9. Thank you for that Tmoney. I completely forgot about the Irish Times. Drive past it almost every other day. Duh!
  10. Good point. More than once I have bought helmets for the staff. They then sell them at the market. Only 2 or 3 still wear their helmets.
  11. at the expense of low paid, poorer and unemployed private citizens. ie the majority. They also plan to reduce the % age of personal income tax. Low paid workers do not pay any.
  12. What a terrible start to their young lives. I would not be surprised if they never trusted an adult again.
  13. Maybe the conflict is due to possible/suspected over-charging by the hospital to the NHSO?
  14. I would call that 'doing the only honourable thing'. What else can they do after the event?
  15. Very sad when a parent looses a child. Feels like a double whammy. RIP Nong Pee. Fly your kite with angels.
  16. I did - it was solid and continuous. Humidity in my bedroom - 99%. I cannot close the solid wood doors. Swollen up with the damp.
  17. Full Moon Party last night. If he attended - a sad way to end.
  18. Sadly, that probably will not happen until someone rich and important gets killed.
  19. There is a review ongoing at the moment - by the DSI. Lots of 'discussions, a few court cases and land titles being revoked. I was out on the bike this morning, lots of floods and running water - washing debris down from the hills. Neighbour tried to get her mother to Nathon hospital, couldn't get through. Small stalled cars and floods on the ring road blocking it. Should start to disperse when the tide goes out. The forecast is for the rain to stop today.
  20. The rain was so bad yesterday that only six flights landed on time. The other 37 were late, very late (285 minutes was the worse) or diverted. Much better weather today up here at the 'pointy' end.
  21. But the murdering, kidnapping Hamas rapists are more then happy to use them as human shields. Also, to use these children as a shield for where they hide the hostages. Go for the murderers, not the victims. Oh, I forgot - 56 muslin members in the UN - they swing the votes against the one Jewish member. They also dictate the propaganda.
  22. Thanks for that lom. Me as well at The Shakespeare. We managed to get Joe to do a special a year or two back, still very good, but it needs a few of you to eat it all. (Joe also does a really good Beef Wellington. Again, it needs a few of you.)
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