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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Thammanat has a degree from the same university. From Wikipedia via PBS News.
  2. The tourist policeman with the white crocs, looks well out of place in that photo. It is as if someone has told a passer-by to put on the uniform for the photo op.
  3. Or maybe, now that they have no money, they have to steal to eat thereby encouraging bad behaviour? What do you do with them if they do not have the money for the big fine? Gaol them?
  4. So the cars were recovered, by the police here in Thailand, seven years ago. For seven years, the cars have been in police custody. They obviously cannot just leave them 'parked up', for all of that time, so surely the police will have been taking them for daily 'test runs' to ensure that they are all in perfect working order?
  5. Crikey. The thought of being attacked by a rabid cow is pretty horrible. A rabid dog is bad enough, but cows, buffaloes!!!
  6. I did not specify who had to report it. However, some folk on this thread are being fined as tenants.
  7. So many threads here on this one. Some say you have to, others say you don't. At the end of the day, it is down to the individual immigration officer and even whether he/she/it is going through menopause/period/hangover. Why are people so against filling in a TM 30? It only takes a few minutes to do it on-line. Being pedantic and insisting that you are in the right does not help if they will not give you an extension or whatever.
  8. Liar, liar pants on fire. Then why are you sending the Burmese back to Burma where they will probably be conscripted into the army? Is that more realistic?
  9. She was charged with premeditated murder of 13 people plus other charges She was in gaol (had a miscarriage there) but that was pre-trial. Not allowed bail. One can only assume that she was found guilty. The papers would have mentioned if she was released. The government issued the same warning as mentioned above back then but obviously nothing has changed.
  10. I have never been on Fakebook. Suckerberg is totally without morals. Nasty person.
  11. I have been told that it is his brother (or BIL?). He is rumoured to have one of the largest cannabis farms in Thailand. I can not find any proof or this though.
  12. Many business are now moving out of Thailand or going bust. The Thai economy is not doing well. This will be a double whammy for businesses. Increased energy costs (all businesses use electricity) and increased wage costs (thank you Mr Prime Minister). The minimum wage in Vietnam has just been increased and it it is still lower than the current minimum wage in Thailand. So, for a business to try to continue here, it will have to 'import' cheaper labour? More unemployed Thais?
  13. How does that work out then? I pay more than most for my electricity (10 baht per unit on a private development) but I pay the same as everyone else for gasoline.
  14. Did they check your PSA? At your age (and even younger) men should check this regularly (but not frequently). It is an indicator and not a decider. Rising PSA can mean a number of things. High PSA does not mean cancer.
  15. It is too late. The envelopes have already changed hands.
  16. So they are starting to educate them. It's a shame that does not happen at all schools and universities.
  17. Both Buddhist special days. 20th Asanha Bucha day 21st Wan Khao Phansa day Full Moon Party is moved too the 22nd.
  18. Maybe look for a hotel supplies shop in Chiang Mai. I get all linen and towels from the hotel suppliers here on Samui. 100% cotton - Egyptian and others. Various different thread counts (price). Good quality - long lasting.
  19. Both drugs and weed will also give those symptoms. Just easier for the police to say alcohol. Less effort involved.
  20. As she probably does not keep the illegal money in the bank, I would guess that she will be entitled to the 10,000 baht vote buying payout.
  21. Almost no post where I live on Samui since Covid. No postmen. If I do receive a letter, it is usually 3 -6 months old.
  22. Please try and stop the excuses. The budget needs to be boosted to pay off the vote buying. It will not significantly boost the economy. PS it is not a necessity!
  23. Whilst things were not too bad for the Junta, they were happy to have the workers' money being sent back to Burma. Thailand and Burma let the workers stay. (Everyone knows that it has been happening for years.) But now that the Junta are loosing too many soldiers.............
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