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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Agreed, and at least he was doing it. Many folk need m/b riding lessons and would be happy to pay, but where to find them?
  2. I wonder if the 'others' realise that it is not intentional. No one goes swimming thinking 'I hope that I need rescuing today'.
  3. Thank you. Here on Samui, we have just had a 40 minute downpour with the rain coming in horizontally. More please.
  4. That's for the next budget. Believe me, they do not miss an opportunity.
  5. And lots more businesses will go bust or pull out of Thailand. Not every employer is a rich, golf playing git with a chauffeur driven Mercedes.
  6. Was that the plane where the nose cone was destroyed by hail at 30,000+ ft
  7. You are showing a bit of bias there. There is no genocide against Palestinians. That is Hamas propaganda and it is working well even to informed and supposedly educated folk. However, it is a stated and publicised statement that Hamas want to kill ALL Jews. That is genocide. Israel will kill all Hamas in order to get the kidnapped folk back. Unfortunately, Hamas hide behind Palestinians, who happen to support them. Also, Russia in Ukraine. China against the Uyghurs.
  8. And HUGE costs for the hosting. Many circuits died because of high fees to the FIA.
  9. Not just in the south, Trat has mosques and many Muslims, they all seem hard working and can been seen at their market stalls women and men, not sitting around playing cards, smoking and drinking all day, like the 'Buddhists'. just saying Also in Samui. At least three mosques here. Two villages that I know of are almost completely occupied by Muslims. Most are fishermen.
  10. Yeh. Thank you. First real rain since November last year here where I am on Samui. Not enough to kill the drought but hopefully it's a start.
  11. Yes you can. I was a donor here on Samui until I was 70. I had been a regular donor since my early 20's. O - Just before giving my 'last pint' the nurse looked at my records and said - sorry - this is your last one.
  12. So the Maldives supports murder and kidnapping by terrorists. Very sad and off my holiday list.
  13. Just say it as it is. Do not worry about things that may happen. Thousands of people use those platforms. The police might try and trap foreign nationals for offering services but there is not enough time in the world for them to go after the customers. They can just walk to the bars to do that.
  14. They just happened to be carrying a 'sizeable rock'? There must be more to this story.
  15. SME's get lots of platitudes from governments, but very little help. We employ 13 Thais and the business has been struggling since Covid. We cannot increase prices, customers are having difficulty paying what we were charging 15 years ago, but costs have increased significantly.
  16. Says it all really. It is all about 'me' and not the people.
  17. Whilst your comment is most likely true, the fact of the matter here in Thailand is that the government have been pushing cheap Chinese EV's for some time. There are a finite number of folk that can afford cars and when the government and rich folk (mostly ethnic Chinese) push EV's, gas and diesel sales will suffer. The government has unwittingly had a hand in this.
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