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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. It is just a means to block votes that are against the government's wishes and that look like becoming law. I think that it was created by a government after a military coup back when Noah was a lad.
  2. Decriminalisation was in the Royal Gazette. You are digging the hole deeper.
  3. Damm. 30 years of drinking a beer at sundown after a sweaty walk and now I find out.
  4. Anutin was the health minister at the time, speaking on behalf of the government and he was defining 'the rules'. Which all of the cannabis fans ignored.
  5. Cannabis was decriminalised. There is a fine line between decriminalise and legalise. https://www.turnbridge.com/news-events/latest-articles/decriminalization-vs-legalization/ My understanding is that decriminalise means that one cannot be prosecuted in a criminal case for possessing cannabis. It is still not legal to smoke it, sell buds or anything greater than .25 THC. However, it means that someone has to get off their butt and and do something to prosecute a civil case.
  6. You do not understand do you? When did you last see a note, less than 500 baht in value, with HM King Rama 9 on it? As I said, they are as rare as hen's teeth here and when I travel. Thais are not doing it to make money. Not everything in life is about money. Thais are doing it in his memory. The Thais that I know who are collecting them would never sell or use them unless there was an emergency. Stay happy in your ignorance about people's emotions.
  7. Many Thais are collecting old notes with HM the king Rama 9 on them. He was well loved. Anything less than a 500 baht note is as rare as hen's teeth now.
  8. It is probably a trawl. Someone looking for a live person on a number to scam later. I work on the theory that any number that I do not recognise is a scam. I cancel the call. People using Skype sometimes get upset with me then they send me an email
  9. Another manufacturer having to down-size, fed up with taxes, continual threats of increased wages and utilities and competition from the 'favoured' Chinese. An unstable. 'flip flopping' government does not give them confidence either. How can a business do a three or a five year plan here now. People forget that many large companies came to Thailand because of low costs and incentives.
  10. Sorry Theptai but private conversations between patients and their visitors are confidential. Unless you of course decide to broadcast yours.
  11. Still nothing down here on Samui. Sunny and 30 - 33 C most days. Rain please.
  12. China has failed to deliver on the contract. Anywhere else and the contract would be void and monies returned. China ignores international law.
  13. Whilst I think that the Wats are basically places where good things happen, it has been known for a long time that many criminals sign up at a temple to avoid being caught. It's a good place to hide out and better than prison.
  14. There are lots of degrees for rich kids. Law, and how to not get caught. Finance, and how to avoid taxes Tourism, and which are the best countries to visit for those hidden bank accounts Economics, how to make money from others and no pay back and so on.
  15. Well done ladies. Hang the nasty SOB out to dry.
  16. Erm - Samui already handles flights from China and has done for many years.
  17. And there was me thinking that's what airlines did. Silly me. Looking at the 'business case' for the spend just shows how weak the argument is just so that they can continue the corruption.
  18. Probably awarded to a Thai to try and offset the embarrassment of RB owner's son being around them. Shame that the young lad should have his award/efforts tainted thus.
  19. Rubbish. You may not have noticed, but there is a bit of a recession at the moment and it is likely to be around for a while under this government with their spend, spend mentality. Lots of businesses struggling to make any money (ie paying taxes). This could be the nail in their coffin. Ooops - there goes another car assembly plant!
  20. Legally, the deal is void. China cannot deliver the contracted equipment. Then again, since when has legality ever had anything to do with China's actions in the world.
  21. Operating hours were certainly extended at Samui yesterday. Flights still leaving at 23.30. Lots of delayed flights onto the island. When I looked, out of 22 flights on the board at the time, 13 were delayed. Some very long delays. The longest delay was from Chiang Mai - 630 minutes. I presume that there was a lot of very bad weather around Thailand. (Sunny here though.)
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