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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Clip the belt into the catch when no one is in the seat. Then sit and drive. Sorted.
  2. Shame he did not ask them when he forced the change through and was buying votes from the dope heads and dealers. He screwed it up and now he is trying to recover from the 'egg on face' syndrome.
  3. I use a VPN and every time that I use Lazada, I have to jump through hoops. Use the 'slide' button. Click on buses, bikes, traffic lights whatever. Then they send a code. (After another message that I have to answer.) Not been closed yet. I buy quite a lot on Lazada - for the business. I only use a PC.
  4. Seriously yes. And everyone here knows about it. Son died December 2015, wife died 7 months later. Cremated at the Wat and I 'bought' three slots at the same time.
  5. Not the same. Euthanasia is carried out by someone else. Suicide is self inflicted. The end result is the same though.
  6. I have already 'purchased' my wall niche at the local Wat. Next to my son and my wife's ones
  7. Posted 4 minutes ago Indeed. That has to be one of the most useless PR statements in a long list from this man
  8. Terminal cancer. My son died of cancer in the UK. They prolonged his 'life' as long as possible. It was very sad to watch. I now have a living will. F-I-L was diagnosed with cancer when visiting us in Australia. When asked if he wanted to 'go home' he said 'Why? There the weather will be cxxp and I will be surrounded by miserable people'. He stayed in Oz. The hospice/palliative care was excellent. We made sure that his last couple of weeks were a good as possible. Whisky next to his bed in hospital. (Nurse said not allowed. His answer was 'well, it's not going to kill me'. Doc said it was OK.) The hospice even helped us to organise 'outings' so that he could go to Bondi beach (a long time dream of his). He had a morphine drip that he could adjust (for the pain). Strange that he died on the one night when we did not visit him. So - a bottle of whisky and morphine for me.
  9. That's one heck of a fire. The report does not mention injuries. Hopefully everyone is safe and well.
  10. My friend uses an air fryer. Sprinkling of ground garlic and chilli, drop of oil - great.
  11. Same place for me -except that I had excruciating pain for 24 hours and less pain for a day or so after that.. Hospital gave me pain killers but my reaction to them was to throw up. No effect. I could see the infection 'moving' up a vein in my leg until the pain went away.
  12. My TURP last year was 330,000 baht at Bangkok Hospital Samui. One of the main reasons for the high costs - the consultants that fly down every weekend insist of charging high fees for 'their inconvenience'. (Urologists are only available Saturdays and Sundays. Different one every three to four weeks.) Having paid an 'arm and a leg, it was still worth it. Enlarged prostate for 10 years. Tried every medicine under the sun - no change. Just carries on growing. Some years I was paying 50,000 baht+ a year on meds and that was from the local pharmacy. By the time they offered Rezum treatment, it way way too big. (180 to 200 grams they estimated)
  13. The other flights were already fully booked? There are at least 20 - 30 flights a day from Bangkok BKK and DMK depending on the season. It is their most popular route. One customer in January flew in from Saudi and assumed that he could just pop onto one of the many flights on the timetable. He had to wait two days for availability. https://www.samuiairportonline.com/flight-status/
  14. Other airlines have always been flying into Samui. To say that they have not is an AN posters myth. Before Covid, there were about six other airlines flying to the island. Some years ago, TG used to but realised that it was cheaper to code share. Currently there are two or three other airlines. Scoot and Chengdu Airlines are using the airport. Cambodia Airways were also flying here but stopped as it there were not enough passengers. Landing fees may be an issue for them, but more importantly it is the daily flight quota that is the restriction in high season. As a private airport (no government funding) only 50 flights per day is the max. Bangkok Airways fills that number in high season.
  15. So medicinal cannabis is still OK But do not worry tokers. It will be like the illegal car window tinting. The police will say 'but how do we measure it?' No change.
  16. So the anti alcohol brigade are upset. They are not relevant in this discussion. They want to stop all alcohol sales. The holidays are religious holidays. What do the religious folk say?
  17. Latest in the Thaiger and BP on the proposals. https://thethaiger.com/news/national/koh-samui-looks-for-extended-airport-hours-amid-tourism-surge
  18. I thought that alcohol sales were banned on trains and ferries some years ago? It was after some poor lass was raped on a train. Nothing to do with Buddhist holidays. Does that mean that we can buy alcohol on trains on the Buddha days but not any other time?
  19. That's a novelty here in Thailand. Now, about those young protestors that are in gaol without bail?
  20. Simple solution folks - keep your seatbelts fastened unless going to the loo.
  21. I would have expected the top cop to not be involved in investigations. Surely his role should be to manage the people who have their feet on the ground and to run the organisation efficiently and cleanly (yes I know....). As we said in business - good workers do not necessarily make good managers.
  22. All good here at the pointy end last night but Plai Laem has a planned outage tomorrow from 14:00 to 16:00. No indication of how widespread that will be.
  23. Or unless immigration officers go around knocking on rental villa doors and ask to see them. (As they sometimes do here on koh Samui.)
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