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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. So, if we believe what is being said here - no one did a dine and dash before the visa free policy?
  2. Good point. If the rental people have it, I am sure that they will have thrown it away by now. It is illegal to keep the passports. The proposed 300 baht tourist tax is 'supposed' to provide insurance for visitors. I bet that in this poor lad's case, they would not cover him either.
  3. Now Thailand is following it's real leader, XI in consonantly telling lies when accused of wrongdoing.
  4. Thailand managing to shoot itself in the foot - again, in its rush to appease its Chinese master. Let's see if the tourist numbers from the USA and Japan suddenly dip. As for that place on the UNHRC council - Thailand should be removed. Does a 'security alert' invalidate insurance policies?
  5. My local restaurant has been struggling and on a minimum staffing level. There is the owner, who cooks, and a kitchen helper. The restaurant does a lot of food delivery meals but the place itself is usually empty, so when I go in, I always help myself to the beer rather than interrupt the owner from cooking the meals. When the owner has a moment, she will come and say hi and ask me what I want. After 20+ years of eating there, she knows that I will pay. Best pad krapow moo ever.
  6. Of course, the illegal installers of these cables will not be able to copy the labels.
  7. Well done to the folk who published the video and named them. The company may not have realised that they had a problem. They do now.
  8. Many Thais cannot count easily. Especially some of the older ones.
  9. Typical Hamas cowards hiding behind masks and hoping to remain anonymous. Throw them in gaol for supporting Hamas's stated goal of genocide of all Israelis.
  10. Well, there is a surprise. Thai government tell the BOT to drop interest rates. BOT eventually capitulates and does so. Thai government borrows more to fund vote buying.
  11. Thailand treated them very badly in all of the years that they have been in the 'detention' centre. A good (and very sad) description of their troubles time is here. Hang your heads in shame Thailand. https://apnews.com/article/uyghur-china-deportation-thailand-xinjiang-human-rights-d6f813654cf40ce464bc19203a226de0
  12. Well done citizens - keep up the pressure. More bad publicity for the owners please.
  13. In my experience - yes. Often the 'major' wives know about each other. They become angry when a younger 'unknown' one is involved.
  14. Unfortunately this problem is caused by the Thai people asking them for money. Lots of officials in Thailand are corrupt. Many want their 'hand in the till'.
  15. I was told that it is illegal to kill snakes here in Thailand.
  16. Surely this is not the case. Multiple stories here on AN in recent weeks/months about how well exports are doing. The government just want cheap credit so that they can borrow more money to buy votes. Headline from the BP yesterday.
  17. And the scantily clad girl is there because?
  18. Unfortunately, the sellers of the product tell the tourists that cannabis is totally legal. No one advises them otherwise. How about some big signs at entry at the airports and ports like they had years ago stating the fact that it is the death penalty for bringing in drugs and so on.
  19. That is ok if you want to look like a convict or a dog. (Yes, I have a friend who cuts his own hair with his dog's clippers. It shows.) I prefer something a bit better and a professional is my preferred choice. Nothing lazy about that. We are not all cheap Charlie's.
  20. They have been raising this issue for years. Lots of villas here have had to pay for 'hotel and pool' licences every year. A nice little earner for the lawyers and accountants. Now the word 'hotel' is crossed out on the document and replaced with 'villa'.
  21. 'But vaping is safe' people keep telling us.
  22. No human rights for these poor souls eh Thailand? Resign from the UNHRC - it is no place for members with double standards.
  23. There is no way that I would consider buying an electric vehicle. Electricity is just under 10 baht per unit on the development where I live.
  24. Nice photo. Shame that it has nothing to do with the story. Or is it from that cave complex? (Difficult when it is 'for reference' only.) Anyone know where the photo was taken?
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