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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Perhaps step out of the broom cupboard where you live and look around the great big world that we live in. Have you heard of assisted suicide? Euthanasia? DNR (do not resuscitate/living will)? Lots of people 'give up on life' when the living is not worth the reward. I have informed family and friends that I will take one of these options when the list of chronic diseases that I have, become 'not worth the effort'. I already have the organ/body donation in place along with a DNR at the main hospital where live. I have also given away the properties that I own. So maybe, just maybe, it was suicide. It happens more often than you seem to realise.
  2. Eureka! I was in Chaweng (Koh Samui) this morning and as I left the shop, after buying a few tins of a new IPA there, it started to rain. Only a light shower, but the first rain that I have seen all year. Also a smattering of light thunder in the distance. Sadly, the shower was over by the time that I got to my motorbike. (A one minute walk.) Half a kilometre on and the roads were still dry.
  3. If there was no will, then the Thai's parents and siblings would have the inheritance. If there was a will, then they may contest it.
  4. Two firework sellers were also arrested. (from the full articale in the Thaiger.)
  5. Did you have any children together?
  6. Thais can become violent quite quickly in a confrontation. Most times they will avoid a confrontation with a foreigner (unless drugs or alcohol are thrown into the mix). Lived in Thailand 24 years. No issues. Also lived in Oz, HK and Singapore. Again no issues. The only country that I have been attacked in (random violence whilst walking on the street) was the UK. 3 times. Wifey - mugged twice in the UK. Nothing, anywhere else.
  7. Aloe Vera massage every time for me. Always a girl.
  8. Dumb remark. How can loosing a friend of 17 years be convenient?
  9. In a place where the locals use a hose to clean the pavements, paths and garage floors. Where most foreign residents have lush green gardens that require watering every day. Where people use the hosepipe to wash motorbikes and cars but do not switch off the tap until the job is finished I could go on but water conservation by people is just a joke here.
  10. They will have to roll them out as there are not enough charging points!
  11. For news about Thais misbehaving, you need to watch Thai TV or read Thai newspapers/online sites. Not many foreigners are reported there.
  12. Breaking news:- If it looks like a duck Quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck then one can be pretty sure that it is a duck.
  13. Feel free to offer to pay to have that done. I am sure that the abbot will appreciate it.
  14. The real animals were the ones driving the trucks.
  15. Depends on your definition of banned. Here they use DDT. Banned all over the world. All I know is that I buy the veggies/fruit etc in supermarkets (wet markets try to rip me off). I take it home and eat them. Only wash if visibly dirty. I grew up eating stuff straight off the plant. I eat the food that I drop on the floor. Used to eat dirt as a kid and never washed my hands before a meal. But I do after using the bathroom. Outside germs good for the gut. My germs not. 73 and still kicking (just). No allergies.
  16. Come on you folk up there in the north. Do not be selfish. Please send some of it down here to us southerners. Especially Koh Samui.
  17. And that is the sad 'kick in the teeth' here. Instead of the school distancing themselves from the corrupt official, they try and sweep the crime under a rug.
  18. Why are the two guys plus the photographer, taking his photograph? How is that is going to help him?
  19. And your next post is - 'If Rick Brown really cared about these children he would encourage them not to cross the road or walk near water in case they fall in. And as for climbing trees.....' The majority of Thais have no choice if they want to be mobile. Cars are for the rich ones and in most of Thailand, there is no public transport. Bikes are the only economical solution.
  20. The police will fine passengers who are not wearing a helmet. When it suits them. My Thai business partner was on the back of my bike when we were stopped. I was wearing a helmet. She wasn't. She was fined. In reality, a family of four is more likely to get a warning. The police will realise that they cannot probably afford three fines.
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