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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. What fool would want to live forever? We all have a 'sell by date'. Accept it. I have had a great life and will live it to the full until it stops. Or until it is no longer great. Hope everyone out there had the Songkran that they wanted.
  2. The last note that I saw said that it would be open on Wednesday but closed again for one day on Friday. Sorry - no idea where I saw that but I did put it in my diary.
  3. Yeh. Sure. Help the generals to return with their truckloads of cash but arrest the fleeing Burmese civilians as illegal immigrants.
  4. Interesting. But I cannot see many Thais joining the scheme. They love cash too much.
  5. I have not carried ashes to Thailand but I have carried ashes in my check in luggage from Thailand to the UK via Istanbul and Antalya. Some baggage handlers that I know said to put a label on the container stating that they were human remains. Non toxic. I did have problems at every stop. I was searched and tested for drugs. Apparently the ashes look like drugs on an X-ray scan.
  6. I used to have the same thoughts but a friend bought me a Kindle. Now I read both the Kindle and books. Problem is, when I press on the word in a book, I do not see the dictionary definition. I do love that on the Kindle and they take up much less space in my bag when travelling. 100's of books for reading 'on the go'. Tablets - the 'print' quality is not so good.
  7. No point in any judicial review. He has been tried, found guilty and sentenced by the online court of public opinion.
  8. It's new. Started when Thais said the same thing about the Swiss guy who kicked a doctor. Some folk here seem to think that it is funny to keep repeating it. No idea why.
  9. They are too busy trying to stop the anti Jewish protesters from being harassed on their many marches and vandalising outings..
  10. So you are comparing apples with chickens. You are comparing the price of taking a car plus a room for the night with the price of a seat on a plane/train/bus. A seat on the ferry is as cheap as your quoted prices on a plane but probably a little bit more expensive than a seat on the bus/train/van options
  11. So you broke the law and got away with it - well done. I fail to understand why so many people are afraid to report where they are staying in Thailand. It used to be the TM 6 card but that did not work. It relied on the honesty of the traveller. Now it is the TM 30. Photo id is OK on domestic flights. But you do have to tell them your Nationality. (It's not on the DL.) I once boarded a flight using a Tarongo zoo pass.
  12. How one-sided is that. Any Burmese civilians fleeing the fighting are arrested as illegal immigrants or illegal workers by the supposed 'unbiased' Thai government!
  13. TM 30 requires a lot more than the passport number. Nationality, when it was issued and so on. These are not on your DL. They also require when and where you entered Thailand (immigration stamp) and how long is your visa valid for.
  14. I do not disagree with his thinking here, but ..... Not much freedom, democracy, liberty and human rights there
  15. So the tourists had the nouse to send the GPS location, but they could not read a map.
  16. How many people for a 20,000 baht ferry? It's not 20,000 baht each. From what I can see it is 2,500 baht each way.
  17. Overnight ferry from Bangkok? https://www.facebook.com/fb.theseahorseferryofficial/
  18. One main reason that there are no public bins is because most people who live on Samui do not pay the garbage collection tax. (This is a country wide tax.) There used to be bins on the streets and they were heavily used, but the local government was loosing a lot of money on it . (The garbage trucks are contractors the last time that I enquired.) So they removed the bins. Most Thais burn their garbage or just dump it. Most foreigners just dump it at the places where those of us who do pay the tax have a collection point. All of our customers are registered with the Tessabaan and we pay the tax for them. We then take the garbage to a steel cage, on land that we rent, and it is collected by the trucks every day. I often see 'strangers' dumping their garbage in our cage. (I drive past it daily.) There are about 100 properties on the development where I live. Apart from the 20 or so that we look after, most , if not all of the others, do not pay the tax. The worst offenders are the large 4 -6 bedroom properties. The owners have lots of money but they have short arms and deep pockets. How many folk reading AN pay the garbage tax? The last time I asked, many said 'I only rent - it's not my problem'. But it is your garbage! We moved to Samui in 2000. Stayed in a hotel for a while and the hotel put bottled water in the bathroom for us to wash with and to flush the toilet. For a shower, we went in the sea. There was a water shortage. As Paul wrote - it is not so rare.
  19. Calm down with the 'anti' speech. There was a similar thing in the news recently about a Thai guy being fined after driving his car on the beach. Lots of reporting of Thais being arrested for sexual abuse, murder, theft etc infinitum.
  20. Liar, liar pants on fire! Neutral is not when you help the military generals to move their illegal money through a Thai airport yet you stop and arrest Burmese citizens when bringing two drones into Burma.
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