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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. No word on how old folk with no phone or internet are going to get paid. It is only for rich folk I suppose. Anyway, back to the funding. I am sure that the PM could fund it from his overseas accounts. If not, ask Prayut.
  2. Do wind turbines kill birds? Or do birds die because they fly into them? For example. Birds die when they fly into glass doors or windows, but no one says that glass doors kill birds.
  3. When it is open, you might want to try and reset the code? With the safe unlocked and the door open, look for the rest button. It could be on the side of the door next to the hinges, or take the battery cover off. Change the batteries at the same time. Sometimes the reset is a small circle below the battery case. Press it with something small with a point until it beeps. Enter the new code and press # or B - usually the bottom right hand button. If you know all of this - apologies. Or get the locksmith to reset it. They usually use 1234. A tad obvious though.
  4. There is always a 'factory setting' and/or a master over-ride setting on safes. They are supposed to be changed on installation. A shot in the dark but try 000000 or 123456. (Both 4 and six digit numbers)
  5. Took me a while, but I finally worked out that they mean improved infrastructure. Mind you. I could be wrong. The nice posters on AN constantly tell me that I am.
  6. Good excuse - but at the end of the day, if he had not smoked cannabis then it would not have happened.
  7. The most common phrase from our Chinese guests is "I know, I know"
  8. Typical all over Thailand. Large budget for an infrastructure project. Money syphoned into pockets so the project is below spec. Then there is never a maintenance budget afterwards. Or if there is a budget, it is spent on 'other things'.
  9. Sorry - no idea as we do not look after villas in those categories. We definitely pay a flat fee be it a two bedroom villa or a six bedroom one.
  10. Most folk get out on bail whist the police/courts process them. I think that it is unlikely that he will be deported. His only crime that I have read about is an unlicensed school.
  11. You are asking questions in grey areas. Here I am talking about my experience on Koh Samui - it may be different depending upon the different local authorities. (A bit like 'local' immigration rules.) The villa is not a hotel but the local authorities change the heading from Hotel Licence to Villa Licence. The document is the same thing though. The properties are not registered as hotels but just forced to go by the same rules as hotels. eg smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, safety ring for pools etc etc. When we first applied for villa licences years ago, our company accountant said that legally, Villa Licences do not exist. So we went through an agent. Some owners used their own accountants. As they are not registered hotels, I would think that they do not pay hotel taxes. The income and taxation is down to individual owners. Our company does not get involved in the villa rentals/AirBnb. How can it be a level playing field. It would be like ice hockey players playing against a golfer. Many hotels are part of larger organisations. AirBnb properties are mostly owned by individuals.
  12. If the property has a private pool, that too needs a pool licence. Both licences are to be renewed each year.
  13. And that is why I loose staff to the hotels here. My small business cannot afford those salaries.
  14. It is not that simple with hotel salaries. Staff receive extras. Some hotels here on Samui are offering cleaners up to 24,000 baht per month BUT...... That is salary plus tips (the ++ share - often 20%). Then there is usually a uniform, free meals, sometimes free transport or accommodation and so on. Then, what do you pay when bookings are down? It is not going to be 24k.
  15. And she cannot afford lawyers. No support from the police? What else is there. At least money puts food on the table.
  16. Oh my gosh. Production has dropped now that EV's are being pushed by the PM, and his Chinese friends are getting tax breaks and other support. "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."
  17. True. But singing it v selling it are two different things. The Filipino is making money for copying. PS thanks for the Paul Anka memory.
  18. The ex boss wants to go and see his ex work mates and some folk are in uproar. Get a life and sort out the country's problems for goodness sake.
  19. Come on guys. No need to conflate a shooting with a power outage.
  20. I hope that the rumours are true - for your BIL and all of the other poor sods struggling for cash in these trying times.
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