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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Yes - pretty much guaranteed if you go out where there are people. Especially kids. Just put your phone and money in a plastic bag. Then smile and say thank you when you are 'blessed'.
  2. Mostly foreigners in our experience. Europeans and Indians. (Half term/Easter in most of Europe) Some Thais with overseas boyfriends/husbands meeting up with family.
  3. In other news, Phuket officials complain about the very large number of rogue Russians everywhere.
  4. And the 'flavour of the month' PM is encouraging tourism in the south of Thailand. What could possible go wrong? Many years ago, I did a border bounce to Malaysia. Herbert (who organised them) said to us all - "after we pass the next police checkpoint, we will not stop for anything until we reach the border. If you need a pee, please do it in the footwell by the door."
  5. "Police reform may be easier than everyone thinks" It does not say that it is easy. Just easier than people think. Looking at many comments here, some AN posters think that it is impossible. The article explains that it is not impossible. It takes determination and planning. The measure will take time, but this is not a problem that can be fixed with one piece of magical legislation, gag orders, endless transfers or setting up of fact-finding committees that will not recommend any purge anyway. Those countries cultivate young players, preparing them for the dangers that come with ability and fame. To have a capable and responsible police force for the long term, the same approach is required.
  6. The article just states that many hotels are fully booked. It does not state all hotels, or most hotels. As someone who lives on Samui, I believe this article to be true. The traffic is horrific with long queues on the main ring road at times. Not BKK style traffic jams but we are only a small island for goodness sake. Parking for cars in the main towns is impossible most of the time. Especially Bangrak and Chaweng. The good restaurants are all packed with customers. Often, I cannot get a table at the regular places that I eat in. Last week I went to find a new restaurant to try in Choengmon. Drove through the village and went home again. Everywhere was busy and noisy. They are having to run extra ferries from the mainland and Bangkok Airways is adding additional flights on very busy days. (46 flights today, The average is 40.) It is still 'very high season' here.
  7. Male - peacock Female - peahen Undecided - peathey? When he starts his mating/territory calls you may decide to send him back to the temple.
  8. They are quoting full flights. Today there are 46 flights coming in to Samui airport. https://www.flightradar24.com/data/airports/usm/arrivals https://www.samuiairportonline.com/flight-status/
  9. How many times did "Boss" fail to turn up? Was it six? He was never arrested. Still travelling the world 'free as a bird' after killing the policeman 12 years ago. Go for it BJ. Still many 'final' warnings to go.
  10. A good idea but if you expose corruption in Thailand, you end up in gaol for defamation.
  11. Chuwit started on the outing of the police but suddenly he had cancer and has had to go to the UK for treatment. Perhaps he is feeding the information to the lawyer? https://time.com/6320229/chuwit-kamolvisit-corruption-interview/
  12. Both are equally dangerous. They can both kill. It just takes longer with e cigarettes. Yes, more people die from tobacco but that is because more people smoke it and have been smoking for longer.
  13. Yes, the Haadrin Queen will take bikes - for a price. The others will not.
  14. When I gave up the corporate life, wife and I considered living in the Philippines. She said no thank you. Our findings were - Traffic - terrible. Corruption - terrible Food - terrible Infrastructure - terrible Safety - terrible, especially for females. Medical - so so. Most Filipinos are lovely, but the educated ones would get out of the country if they could. And they did. Holiday there - great. Live there - sorry, no. I worked in the Philippines for a short while. This was not a rushed decision.
  15. No, they slide or swing open. Birds do not see them and birds do not see turbines when they are working. Turbine blades do not kill birds. They are innocent. Bird fly into them, just like many other things in this world.
  16. Or an old hippy who goes to KPN for the dope and drugs. Rocks up now and again, pitches his tent, steals a bike, smokes a joint and tries to relive the years that he missed, Bob Marley style.
  17. There are some very good roads on KPN - with very interesting bends. He could 'open the throttle' on a few stretches of concrete. That's why people die in mb accidents there.
  18. Our little peninsular had its first rain this morning for 2024. A little drizzle for less than 60 seconds. More rain here please!
  19. Methinks that this lawyer may have an 'accident' soon. Or a very bad case of lead poisoning.
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