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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. At my age now and with a fairly large number of medical conditions (and growing) - probably relieved. But I will not know unless it happens. Local hospital will miss the revenue though.
  2. From the Thaiger full article However, upon awakening, the foreign man launched into another bout of rage. He hurriedly ascended to the second floor of Sommai’s residence in search of his wife. Despite Sommai’s attempts to pacify him and explain his wife’s absence due to treatment, the man would not listen.
  3. Now her troubles really begin. No more peace and quiet for her.
  4. A friend told me many, many years ago that it was more like crapping a melon
  5. My second marriage was great thank you. First marriage was training for me. Didn't make the same mistakes in the second one.
  6. This is not about anti farang sentiment. It is about two goons attacking a policeman. They should be kicked out. What would happen to two Thais if they attacked a policeman in your home country?
  7. I would have said 'fresh starter' until I read the description. I was not running away from anything. I just wanted a better quality life with my wife as we aged. I was fed up of the 'corporate' life. Sitting on planes and in hotels (on my own) a long way from the woman that I loved. Wifey chose Thailand as our destination. I set up a small business and she became a teacher. All went well until wifey died. Now I live for the business, friends (both farang and Thai) and a great view every day. (Oh the cold beers as well )
  8. And many have made money buying land that was not worthless. (I have, and I have lived rent free for 23 years.) As you say - be careful and remember the phrase 'due diligence'.
  9. I am totally for the death penalty. First - it stops repeat offences. Guaranteed. Last - I would rather be dead then spend 48 years like this guy did.
  10. It is. My Ozzie friend told me wrong.
  11. 209 baht in BigC last week here on Samui.
  12. Like puck2, I too thought that it was from Oz. Thanks for the education.
  13. I disagree. Like puck2 I too eat the Mainland Vintage Cheddar. At just over 200 baht for 250g it is not only very tasty, but also good value. Just as good, if not better then the Waitrose Extra Mature British Cheddar from Tops. Which is almost double the price of the Mainland one. Having left the UK over 30 years ago, my memories of decent cheddar in the UK are very distant but I definitely rate the Mainland Vintage. It is the one in the yellow/gold wrapping. Their other offerings are pretty sad though. As a footnote, my favourite was the Mexican spicy cheddar that TOPS used to sell. Sadly no longer available
  14. Yes, it is possible and happens all of the time. This lady bypassed the rules and laws. A common reason for bypassing the rules in these situations is the lack of any qualifications. Her nationality is irrelevant. Just a journalist's trick to pad out the articles.
  15. You are assuming that they have money and a steady income stream. Wrong Assumption.
  16. Dear Mr PM Instead of trying to get tourists here so that they can be ripped off, how about something that will help Thailand to WORK itself out of the problem that you (and others) have given it.
  17. That is normal for committing a crime.
  18. If you read the FULL article, it was not a bystander.
  19. And that sums up most of Thailand's problems today. Rich - OK. Poor - DGAF
  20. And the new battery may not be a genuine one. Thailand, hub of fakes.
  21. After buying many computers here in Thailand, both laptop and desktop - I have both, my only recommendation is buy a pre-assembled if you go for a desktop one. My current one was built to spec, quite expensive and has given me lots of trouble. It has never worked properly. Latest problem - it restarts itself. Even if I am in the middle of something. Windows 11 (I hate it) settings are set to never sleep and never restart but to no avail.
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