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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Maybe the passenger has an outfit similar to this one? https://www.insider.com/japanese-man-spends-15000-on-lifelike-dog-costume-2022-5
  2. What is happening in Gaza is 100% down to Hamas. They invaded Israel and murdered unarmed innocents. They hide behind, with and under unarmed innocents. They have NEVER honoured a ceasefire. They kill without fear and lie about everything. Israel 'bombed' a hospital??? That was the easiest one to prove to be a lie. Sad that the Independent is not what it says it is.
  3. That is an interesting list in the article. Nothing from the UK or the USA in the top 50. (No surprise there.) #1 Picanha is very tasty but in a different price range to # 2 and # 3.
  4. or Do not use apps. I do not even have the WIFI switched on on my phone.
  5. Tell me. I have COPD and it is a buggerrr. Or as one young lady said 'with a mask I do not need makeup'.
  6. This has been law for quite a few years now. It seems that someone forgot.
  7. So he did not cancel the credit cards until after they had been used? Surely, any normal person would cancel the card immediately after the theft.
  8. Difficult to tell these days. Looking at the clothes on the table, I would guess that it is a man who wants to be a woman. Then again...........
  9. There was a trick a while back when Samui was not so developed. (No supermarkets, only a few of ATM's etc.) The staff in a couple of the local mum and pop stores would hold back the small shrapnel. When I challenged them on that 'You are farang. You tip.' was the response. Pleased to say that it has not happened for a very long time. However, many shop staff keep the satang coins these days.
  10. I am with AXA. I have used them since the car was new (2013). I have no idea how good they are as I have never made a claim. They were recommended by a local insurance agent that I have known for years.
  11. As others have said, buying new is a better and more safe investment - unless you want to buy a very old one. Not universal, but I notice that the Thais that I know never put their bikes in for a service. They wait until it breaks down and then get it fixed. I bought a second hand PCX from my local mechanic/bike rental shop to see if it was my sort of bike. As the seller was a mechanic, if I found anything wrong with it, he fixed it. That was the deal. When I took it for a service he asked 'What is wrong with it? What do you want me to do?' (I had the same question when I took my old Suzuki Caribbean in for a service.) Good luck
  12. Hi all How much does the airport charge for parking a car - per day please. I never leave my car there so I have no idea.
  13. The old 'I pay VAT' is the weakest excuse ever. Everyone pays VAT - almost everywhere in the world. Even HM the King if he buys a coffee in Starbucks. VAT is nothing to do with your income. It is to do with the product. The bit that I find laughable about all of these whinging posts is that we have no idea what the tax rule will be and it is certainly NOT aimed at expats. It is all fear mongering and complaining.
  14. And there are lots and lots of Khmers and Burmese who come to Thailand (legally and illegally) to earn less than the Thai minimum wage. I agree with your sentiment though.
  15. Are you the sole director? I set my business partner/shareholder as a director so that she can sign if I am not available. I also agree with OneMoreFarang - my accountant does everything for me (including forging signatures now and again). The last time that I used a lawyer was almost 8 years ago and that was not business related. (My wife died without a will.) Can they produce a cashier's cheque instead of one to a company? That happened when I sold some land that was in the company name.
  16. I don't. Once a month, haircut and pedicure in the local shop. Two nice young ladies look after me.
  17. Royal Doulton. Had the full set when we got married. Some still surviving after 34 years https://www.royaldoulton.com/en-gb/sale/winter-sale/winter-sale/highclere-hi-ball-glass-set-of-2-1060903
  18. I drink Marlborough Mussel Bay Sauvignon Blank. Nice fruity tang, not too dry or acidic. Just under 700 baht in my local Minimarts. I think that BigC might sell it as well.Not sure.
  19. Totally true. M-I-L provides that for me for pension and the bank although both institutions know that I live overseas. Her place is also 'cheap' to stay in on the rare occasions that I go back to the UK.
  20. I had a flat in the UK in a 'posh' area. Company sent me to Asia to open up new offices here back in '93. I had no idea where I was going to end up so I rented the flat out with a reputable agent. Agent ripped me off and so did the tenants. So I sold it. I also kept a car in the UK. It 'disappeared'.
  21. Not legal though. If immigration checked, you could be take to their offices. There, my friends were threatened with possible fines and visa cancelled. Luckily we were able to get their TM 30 details on the database before they were processed. Here on Samui, immigration do random checks. My friends were 'arrested' at their business for not having a current TM 30. Hotel has to report your passport number and date of entry. That is why I always give them a copy of my passport.
  22. Yes. All a bit worrying. Need to watch out for dodgy emails. eg 'Special offer. Click on this link to see how to receive a free flight!'
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