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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Tough decision, but I think, the right one. You cannot look after your ageing mother from a gaol cell. Good luck sir.
  2. Assume make an ASS out of yoU and ME. They may be an ass, but I will not put government apps on my phone. My phone is 'app free' and my telephone plan has no internet usage. WIFI is always off.
  3. Yet just a light shower or two every three or four days where I am on Samui. Many areas without government water as the drought continues. Mind you, very strong winds blowing everything off the table and desk.
  4. The racial prejudice of some races by Asians has been around for a very long time. Nothing to do with 'Caucasian' influences although those influences may just re-enforce that prejudice..
  5. Unfortunately, in Thailand, lots of those funds end up being diverted.
  6. But it still hasn't happened yet. Three years and counting.
  7. My personal belief is that an engagement ring is gifted. There were no conditions applied at the time.
  8. Pretty naive question. I was often out until the early hours when I was in my teens. Not drugs. Not alcohol. Women Creeping back into mum's place to get an hour or two's kip and changed for work. The funniest moment was me creeping in the back door as my stepfather was leaving for work out of the front door.
  9. Seeing the land title in the photo reminds me of a friend who used to lend money here years ago. (At nominal interest rates.) One lady put some family land up as collateral to borrow to pay off gambling debts. When the loan was due, she could not pay and said to ask her family. He did - the family refused to pay saying that they were fed up of bailing her out. My friend took them to court in order to recover his money. The judge pointed out to my friend that what he was doing was illegal. Friend acknowledged that and said that he was only trying to help the lady by lending her money at a much lower rate that the local loan sharks. He won the case. Family had to pay him. In Thailand, there is the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. Spirit always wins.
  10. There has been flooding there for at least the last three weeks. https://reliefweb.int/report/lao-peoples-democratic-republic/lao-pdr-and-thailand-flash-update-1-transboundary-flooding-landslides-24-august-2024 Only now does Mr Photo Op make A tad late sunbeam.
  11. Death is rarely a good thing, but how you die can make a difference. Hopefully Kh Wichai died a quick and painless death whilst asleep.
  12. I am sure that most folk know. They have been selling illegal stuff since they opened in 2018. Well known for it. They usually play loud music, but quieten down at midnight. The other night must have been a one-off 'we will make you all deaf' party. Not been that bad before or since. I am just surprised that the hotel next door let it continue.
  13. In an article in The Thaiger today, the aunt was also arrested and will be charged.
  14. The Hino truck must have been travelling at quite some speed in order to be able to overturn the 12 wheeler and drive it off the road.
  15. I pray that you will get over the loss. There is always hope. Mind you, I lost the love of my life and best friend for 35 years 8 years ago. I am just not interested in finding someone that good again.
  16. Depending on how long you have lived overseas, you may no longer receive free NHS treatment. I was refused the last time that I was back in the UK.
  17. Bride hunting has been going on for ever. Poles, Russians, Slovenians, Ukrainians, etc etc. I worked with a guy in Tokyo back in the early '90's. He was almost retired. His Russian wife was in her mid to late 30's. Drop dead gorgeous lady and and they had lots of sex. They had two children together. His only complaint, she never stopped nagging him.
  18. At the government hospital here on Samui, I tried to get a private room for a friend. She had tuberculosis. Luckily, none available. If we got one, I would have had to stay in the room with her 24/7. Same thing, no nurses.
  19. Only if the police really want to arrest someone. ie a foreigner.
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