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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. I would really like to know where mine is then. I have been here almost 20 years and NEVER had a TM30. Now some bright spark is going to say, "You must have"!
  2. Give us a bash at the bangers and mash me muva use to make!
  3. This is a long shot and I don't say it will work. Try using a VPN connected to the UK and try the 0800 number. If it doesn't work, what have you lost?
  4. Yes, there was a loss, but look at the climb since. Better than any savings account!
  5. Why invest in a Thai low interest account? Buy gold and reap the rewards.
  6. Don't take life so seriously, no one gets out alive anyway.
  7. Yes. Would be quite something to that very nice house cut in half and moved to the UK, brick by brick. All numbered of course.
  8. Nothing new here. It is a regular and on going thing to be taken to the cleaners by Thai women. I have witnessed it on a few occasions while living here.
  9. I can remember my first visit to Phuket many, many years ago. Needing a toilet and not finding one, I asked in a shop if there were any public toilets nearby. Just go into the nearest hotel and use theirs, was the reply. Its what I do to this day whenever I visit the island, although that is not so often now. Never been challenged, so I assume it is still acceptable.
  10. They need to pick a pocket or two, as their funds are getting low!
  11. Sounds like Venous insufficiency? As you say, see a Vascular surgeon A.S.A.P.
  12. Now that's what I call luxury, with whole strawberries of course! It also sits well on a Jacobs Cream Cracker, with a strong Cheddar cheese.
  13. Get stuck in there. Another 20years at least yet, so make the most of it.
  14. I can guarantee you are not the only one. I had the same problem some 5 years ago and found phone calls to be a total waste of time. As a last resort I sent a letter stating my position, in no uncertain terms to the point of being blood rude. It had the desired effect and the problem has not occurred since, fortunately.
  15. My experience of Saigon, was to just step out into the road and the motorbikes will go round. Or was I just lucky!?
  16. The saying is, "If you hadn't been there, it wouldn't have happened." Typical Thai logic.
  17. I also feel sure that had the Yorkshire Police had any hard evidence of his guilt at that time, they would have instigated extradition proceedings back then.
  18. So, obviously hiding! In plain sight! From some of the comments here, innocent until proven guilty is just not a consideration.
  19. Thai tax is based on honesty, so if you file a tax return showing very slightly over you personal limit, or just under, that is all that is required. There are means of getting money transferred which would be difficult to trace, but not impossible. For what its worth in my opinion, just file a tax return within your limit, and there is every possibility you wont be hassled.
  20. You obviously don't see the problem with me blocking my access to natural light!
  21. Mid November last, I packed a mobile phone, battery separately but in the same package, to send to the UK. I was asked the contents and said a phone. Cannot send with battery, she said. I said, no battery. Then I get, no telephone number, cannot send with no phone number. I tried to explain that the house number, post code and UK, would get it to the correct address. Insists must have phone number. I couldn't remember the number, so wrote eleven random numbers. Settled that little problem at a cost of 1300b. Only in Thailand.
  22. Thanks Will. Warfare is the last thing I want. However, as there is quite a distance (12 feet) it would require one hell of a spray can.😂 On the other hand, maybe a mirror could work. Especially as the sun could work to my advantage.
  23. As you say Richard, visit and discuss. I was hopeful of a little ammunition to use as a last resort if met with a blank. I will give it a go. I believe that green lasers are the best, but a last resort, as I would be seen setting it up. Some you win some you lose. Thanks fro your reply, most welcome.
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