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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. If the merchant imposes a 3 - 5% on the use of a card, that is the merchant, not the card issuer.
  2. You may find they wont. Plus, if you don't have a UK address and a UK TEL number, you will miss out. Or do you have family in the UK?
  3. I would challenge you on the last statement. Last month I sent £1000 from my Revolut A/C to my Kasikorn bank on a Sunday. It arrived within one minute and no fee involved. I am of course using UK Revolut A/C, not a USD A/C, so there my be a difference?
  4. I transfer £1000/month to THB on my Revolut card a no charge. I then us this for Thai purchases with no merchant charges. If used in an ATM the usual fees apply.
  5. I will keep using my Revolut card, its cheap enough for me.
  6. Perhaps when my present subscription expires, maybe. But is still good for 9 month yet.
  7. He could purchase the UK. That would give him a few headaches for his term in office.
  8. You could purchase a UK Skype number @£38/year. £10:00 credit allows you to call from anywhere in the world @ approx 1.5p per minute. It also allows any call to your UK number to be transferred to your Mobile, anywhere in the world at the UK local rate and no charge to you. If you make many calls to the UK it works out quite cheap. Also 0800 numbers are free. As they say, up to you.
  9. Now, had it been a Princess! 🤩
  10. So, is the answer, not to use Facebook? I don't use it and it hasn't made one iota of difference to my life.
  11. About 60 years ago, my then wife had been shopping in town and returned with full bags of items. "Where's John," I asked. The look of shock was w picture, but no camera phones back then. She rushed off back into town and found him asleep in the pram outside the pharmacy.
  12. I don't have a defeatist attitude and never gave time a thought when I moved here. What's your excuse??!!
  13. Nothing against the US, but some of the people who live there? Like any other country, there are advantages and then there are people.
  14. "Yesterday, The Frenchman woke up to discover that all of his cash disappeared and he requested to check the hotel’s CCTV footage and saw the sex worker leaving the room with the cash in hand." Definitely a cash in hand job, then!
  15. 20Mbs/100GB per month. Dtac B2090 post included. Shopee. Expires 30/11/2568
  16. 59.25B for my last transfer of 40.000B to repay a loan to a friend into a BKK bank using Revolut.
  17. So. If the majority believe the earth is round like a ball, how do you explain a spirit level!? Just saying🤔
  18. The BKK BOOK code I was looking for is FTT I believe? However, thanks to all for trying.
  19. I started out with nothing, and still have most of it left. No point flaunting wealth I don't have, I might get robbed!
  20. "Are non Thai's eligible?" No reason not to be. I applied for and obtained an IDP almost six years ago, when I was intent on a visit to the UK on a Thai Driving License. On hiring a car I was not asked for the IDP, but I had it just in case.
  21. This is not a NEW LAW! It has been in existence since the 1970s to my knowledge, but only this year been fully implemented.
  22. A personal opinion only, but I believe the 800/400K for Imm requirements should not be included in a tax assessment. It is after all, a forced requirement, as in, No Money, No Visa.
  23. You may well be correct, but will the TRD insist on either Thai or English only, written statements as do Immigration? This again will cause all kinds of problems for some. Getting translations and then having it verified by MoFA in BKK. That on its own can be a real hassle and possibly expensive?
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