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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. The only improvement being attempted, is the flow of cash into personal bank accounts by those in charge.
  2. I have to wonder where the start line is!
  3. So, now the truth has become hate!?
  4. There is so much s**t in their own back yard, they gave up on that idea decades ago.
  5. Its nice to see them kicking for a minute or more though!
  6. to cause confusion perhaps!?
  7. That is too easy and cheap. Government cash must be spent as well as your money.
  8. I hope you have better luck than I did then. 3K baht was the asking price six months ago. I then asked a teacher I knew and it cost me a Chang.
  9. One thing needs to be done in very short order. Anyone in any position of management or supervisory status in that bus company, should be facing a 30 year prison sentence with no parole or any chance of early release. Anyone who took back handers to facilitate blind eye inspections, should be facing at least 20 years in prison. Make an example of these underhand schnides and it may possibly make others think twice.
  10. The majority of Thai's cannot think ahead in any given situation, but on the road is a different story. On the road, they can get ahead by taking risks no ordinary person would dare or even contemplate. On the road, Thai's have to be first at all costs, even death, but they didn't see that coming in their haste to be first.
  11. And I am 14 years your senior, and yes it is easy to scan for payments. However, I still like to be sure the scan is not a scam and take the appropriate precautions wherever possible. Some older and some younger cannot get their heads around these cashless payments, so this headlong rush to cashless should be delayed or proper training be implemented for the less competent among us. I used to be a genius, but am much better now.
  12. Is there an alternative, and what is it?
  13. Two washing machines, both take coins. How do they go cashless??!!
  14. Nationwide/Virgin Money. They asked for my UK Tax Identifier Number. What use is my NI number to a bank? Or if they did require the NI, it is on three of my pension remittances to my A/C.
  15. Just to add the mix. I received a letter from my UK bank on Thursday 03/10/24, asking for my UK TIN number. I was given alternate means of contact, and the easiest was to phone. The questions were, am I an American citizen, NO. Do I have a TIN number from any other country, NO. All fine and dandy, but we are being checked upon. Just so you know.
  16. Strange as it may seem, so do I, Do you not understand sarcasm? That's two up to now.....How many more?
  17. And typical knee jerk reaction from the bus companies, also.
  18. You exaggerate, surely!🛵
  19. If this is implemented correctly and followed thru with on a regular basis, it is only half the problem solved. Drivers with no full and proper training is the other half of the problem. But, who will train the drivers, and who will train the trainers!?
  20. Yes ,he should have stayed on the bus, to assist where possible to get as many off as possible. But he fled the scene. Was the result of his fleeing, a contributing action of more deaths than necessary?! The answer to that we may never know. However, self preservation is a very, very strong instinct.
  21. Referencing the driver should have, 'The driver was already in the bus, not trying to get in.
  22. Who will train the government agency staff? Who will train the trainers!?
  23. Actually, the door is on the near side (left) of the bus, so the door was not obstructed. The driver sits on the right, but it can be difficult to get out that way for passengers.
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