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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. If you have an address in the UK it is possible to have an A/C with Nationwide, mobile number also required. However, they will ask if you are registered for Tax in any other country. It is then up to you what you tell them, whether they can check or not I am not sure.
  2. A two way street. The EU are doing much the same with Brits who have settled in the EU.
  3. In the BBK Bank Book ALL transactions have a code as to where or how the money arrived/departed. ALL banks have a similar means of tracking transactions. Perhaps I didn't make my request clear, for which I apologise.
  4. Hi All. Can someone please tell me the international payment code into a Bangkok bank A/C? I need to send cash to my son via my Revolut A/C, but am no where near a bank until next week. By this time other transactions will take place, but would like to check and know what I am looking for. TIA for your help.
  5. A similar experience in Phuket back in 1986. I was highly suspicious and never gave anything. The following year he was there again, still making gains from the gullible.
  6. Cut out the discrimination and charge Thai's 300/400Baht, same as foreigners. Problem solved.
  7. Just take life as it comes. Some you win, some you lose. Don't take life so seriously, no one gets out alive anyway!
  8. Quite agree, but pigs don't like to share.
  9. And where is the supporting data for your claim!!!!????
  10. The Duchy of Lancaster is owned by the Royal Family. Income from that all that property is controlled by the government, and they return an amount each quarter or yearly to the Royal family. Is that a tax!!?? The Duke of Cornwall Prince William, pays tax on all the income he earns from that Duchy. I do believe its called INCOME TAX!? I would be very well off if I could gain just one months worth of the taxes the Royal Family pay.
  11. The reason for the lack of roundabouts is, MONEY!!
  12. Sounds like the Brown envelope was not thick and heavy enough! As I don't drink in hotels or travel on trains, no problem.
  13. As I don't work, it doesn't apply. And for Y I, it never has.
  14. Professional training by, and from whom!? One would assume a professional trainer would be a job restricted to a Thai, so who would train the trainer!?
  15. Do you have trouble getting thru doors, by any chance?
  16. A coalition of Lib Dems and Torys 2010-2014?
  17. Perhaps you would care to enlighten us as to which country you consider the greatest country on earth?
  18. Yes, a stay in hospital could affect the allowance. To my knowledge the payments are reduced after a two week stay, and the reduce per week. Not sure of the lowest amount they will continue payments.
  19. How is that a gain if pension is paid via USA? Surely the exchange rate would effect the amount you get? Or am I missing something?
  20. I wont say it is incompetence, more a case of they just don't know. There is a lot of information to digest as far as the international taxation changes are concerned. Knowing Thai authorities, they will do their damnedest to make as much as they can, from as many as they can.
  21. You most certainly did, and not so many days ago. I visited my local tax office a few months ago, August I believe, and was sent away. That will do for me.
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