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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. I got the same. Don't know why you come, not necessary.
  2. Rules are made to be broken.
  3. Who said anything about the navy, or murder. Having given them life jackets they are not being totally abandoned. People have swam the channel in the past, its 12 miles either way.
  4. Surely rules are meant to be broken. I agree with CharlieH. Throw them a few life jackets then sink the boat. If the illegals knew this was a great possibility, they would be less inclined to set out from a safe country. One small problem. It would take guts for a PM to do it, and 2 Tier Keir does not have the guts of a squashed frog.
  5. It was quite reasonable 30 years ago. Then I took my Thai family in 2012. We have all vowed, never again.
  6. Sure, until you get some dumb clerk who insists on the passport you left at home. "Life gets teejus, don't it."
  7. And those documents lies came from where? I suspect you are referring to the report presented by Sue Gray? Nine bob notes come to mind when that woman's name is uttered.
  8. What time is it, Eccles. Just a minute my good man, I've got it written down on a piece of paper. It says here it is eight o'clock. Here, wait a minute, how do you know it is eight o'clock. Because it was eight o'clock when the nice man wrote it down for me.
  9. The massive lack of public transport is the main problem in any city which has gridlock caused by cars. If people have to walk 200m to get to a bus stop, and then wait 30minutes before a bus arrives, the car becomes the go to. It is a proven fact, more roads generate more traffic, which is a major problem in Bangkok. Invest more in public transport with better and double deck busses, instead of the silly little things that can only carry 20 people at a time.
  10. I used to like Patong, although many years ago. Then the first tall building went up and opened as a hotel, surprise. Went back for holiday 2014. What a mess of a place. Never, ever again.
  11. Is there any point in having a police farce force in Thailand?The majority of the time is spent stood on the corner near university's collecting money for not wearing a helmet. Or of course, they a very adept at stomping all over a crime scene destroying evidence.
  12. Up it to 60 Baht and you may get a better choice of food. As for Gordan Ramsey, would he lower himself?
  13. Ah, but is it a cheap way to exit the country to get away from the dirty farangs?
  14. Park and Ride could work?? But, where to install the parking areas? Bangkok is not just crowded with cars, other than the green parks, every other square meter is built on.
  15. Similar in the UK. The number of people claiming benefits, who have never worked and never intend to, are better off than the person on minimum wages.
  16. "Leaders"!! They couldn't lead a horse to water.
  17. This is so old hat, LAST MAY!!?? News is within the last few minutes or an hour or two!!?? This is a waste of time and effort.
  18. If the ambulance has its emergency lights flashing and using sirens, one has to assume it is an emergency. To assume there is not a patient in the ambulance is just your assumption, and a dangerous one. Is it not possible the ambulance is carrying emergency medical supplies, or even a body transplant organ!? Common sense dictates to move out of the way of any emergency vehicle, it is not for you to decide its purpose.
  19. When will information on taxes for eligible foreigners be updated? this thread is 5 month old, it beginning to grow hairs.
  20. The Maldives were supposed to have sunk in 2015! So much for the rising seas.
  21. Quite possibly, as I notice it hasn't rained for almost a week now. So yes, the climate has changed.
  22. Strange looking things in every fuel station I use then? At least one, a few with two, and one I have visited had three.
  23. Except the small boats are not being turned away, but welcomed by the mindless labour louts.
  24. You criticize me for accusing Thai's of corruption, but here you are agreeing it is the norm. Contradiction in a very short time! In an argument, you need a very good memory to stay on the same track, not to just agree or disagree at will to suit the occasion.
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