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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 8 hours ago, HAPPYNUFF said:

    When I transferred  the   required   money I use  for    Visa extension purposes  from one bank  to another,,,at the  demand of an Immigration officer, who   claimed      my original  Thai bank was not  allowed for that purpose???,,   I   inquired about    that  cash   going to my wife , on my  demise.     Both her and I signed   countless documents,  far more  than usual  for  just simply opening an account as in the past.    They were all in Thai of course, but my wife  assured me  they were for the purpose  of her eventually   gaining the money.    I  also have a Thai will,   bequeathing   her   my Thai assets.  However, I believe   she will still need to file for probate with the court to eventually    be given  this money. 

    "However, I believe   she will still need to file for probate with the court to eventually    be given  this money". 


    In that you are correct, and it will cost money which comes out of your assets, so there will not be as much left for your wife as you may hope.

  2. 2 hours ago, Andycoops said:

    Utter clap trap, the so called wonderful vaccines are in short supply.

    In my province less than 37% have been double jabbed.


    As for bars spreading covid, we all know it's about continuing the emergency decree and suppression of citizens rights


    The government was asleep at the wheel and pursued a useless initial strategy of zero covid and Chinese vaccines instead of getting onboard with global cooperation.

    What else to expect when there is only one brain cell between the whole bunch? You may also notice, it is never Anutin's turn to use that one brain cell.

  3. 5 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

    It´s not an odd comment at all. The fact is that there are too many people that can´t swim in Thailand. He´s perfectly right in saying it could save your life. It is also a fact that Thai people need to learn English as a second language. Both due to better work in the tourism sector as well as the world is moving towards internet and online business, where English is a required language to be successful.

    As some poster mentions, that he sounds like a child when explaining to people. That might be true, but that is probably only to come down to a level where everyone can understand.

    Coming down to a level everyone can understand isn't really very difficult for him, is it?

  4. 43 years ago I assisted building a boathouse for the local sea scouts. The gate to the compound was 4 meters from the waters edge. That same gate is now 7 meters back from the waters edge and they have had to build a jetty out into the river to launch boats. This is on a tidal area of the river and no changes to the course of the river have been made either up or down stream, over the past 65 years.

    Perhaps someone would like to explain rising water levers.


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  5. 14 hours ago, Dario said:

    Would this UPS protect my computer for at least 5-10 minutes? If I'm not wrong I have a 850W power supply. I don't need the UPS to be able to continue to work, just to protect my computer.


    ZIRCON-AE 1000 VA 550W.PNG

    That should do the job very well. I have three at our place, one for computer, one for internet and one for my music keyboards. Allows plenty of time to save and/or turn off. Will give about 45 to 60 minutes run time depending on the power being drawn.

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  6. 1 minute ago, KhaoNiaw said:

    It's based on salary and not voluntary. Maximum employee contribution is 750 baht / month. I think the minimum is less than 100 baht. 

    Let me add from personal experience, our housekeeper requested this. We pay B900 between us to the Thai SSO each month via a bank transfer from the business A/C. Not sure of the full details as it is not me personally paying this.

  7. One thing which would definitely put people off from retiring to Thailand, Not able to own your own house. Yes, Yes, I know there are ways, but look at all the hoops one has to jump through and the added cost involved.

    If one could purchase one rai of land and build, knowing it could be passed on to children/grandchildren, it may be worth it, but finding something to rent at a reasonable price in a nice area...?????

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