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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. When prey tell, has logic ever played a part in Thai thinking? It gets the same grading as common sense '0', 90% of the time.
  2. If of course the bank was proven responsible. It is unfortunate that some people are not totally up to speed with online banking, and others are easily drawn into what sounds like its too good to be true. It is also very easy to input one wrong figure on the bank App, and the money is lost in many cases. QR codes are not as secure as they could be, and auntie Joe who is almost blind without her glasses, is as much to blame as the bank. Yes, these are things which should be checked before making payment, but even with cash, people make mistakes. Then again, there are people who are not as smart as the average bear!
  3. So, A scam by another name!
  4. I have a 2014 Civic. Possibly the best car I have ever owned. At 125K, the front seats recovered and window seals replaced. I have thought of a change, but with regular servicing and no problems, I can't see the point. As I get older my one objection is it being too low.
  5. I find it rather strange that 'biscuits' would be served with chicken? Tea or coffee with biscuits at ones morning break, but not with ones lunch or dinner. I suppose if it were meant to be like sweet and sour, one could raise an eyebrow, but stranger things have been known I guess.
  6. I had it once, never again. I am certain the chicken walked here, as I could have resoled my shoes.
  7. UK NOT AUS. Do take notice.
  8. Cannot say how long since I used WU but it is many years. I used to send £500 at least twice per month by a transfer from my UK bank to WU. Then WU to my Thai bank. Total cost was £2:90 and it only took about an hour. Cant speak for Wise as never used them, but now I use Revolut. I can transfer from my UK bank to Revolut. No cost. I then transfer to the Revolut Baht A/C up to £800 at no charge/month. I use the Revolut card for most purchases and always tell the clerk to take in Thai Baht, so no charges. Any remaining balance I transfer to my KrungThai A/C, direct from the Revolut Thai A/C and again usually, no charge. To be sure, I have just checked the Baht transfers and they show no charges over the past six month. I expect to get a few flamed replies, but I can only say as I see.
  9. Not sure about mine, but I will make enquiries.😇
  10. A Thai completing a tax return would depend on their income. A business tax can apply if the income is over a certain amount, of which I am not sure.
  11. Is that why governments take money, to control the temperature of the planet!?
  12. Unsurprisingly, empty vessels make the most noise.
  13. And what, may I ask are you implying? I wouldn't trust Donald Duck either, but I grew out of those silly flicks in my early teens
  14. Read the first sentence of my post, in may enlighten you a tiny bit?
  15. That I think would depend on the hospital and or the doctor. I have had an operation in a government hospital and am pleased with the result. Admittedly I had a private room, which was in fact on a par with a private hospital as was the menu. Dont run down a service on hearsay, you may be glad of it one day?
  16. The proverbial snowballs chance in hell comes to mind.
  17. “Taxation is just a sophisticated way of demanding money with menaces” - Terry Pratchett
  18. I cant see what all the fuss is about. I should think Thavi Sodsong should fit in very well with his fellow MPs.
  19. And that is only your next door neighbours. The neighbours from hell are on the march.
  20. Paid 1000bht/month for about three years. The frequency of the visits was once per day, but this slowly declined to once or twice per month. Complained but no improvement, so stopped paying. Saves 1000/ month and the service is still the same, and no one complained about the loss. My argument is, why pay them twice for a service they get paid for, by the government?
  21. "UNION". One size fits all. Abide by the rules, but had nothing to do with setting said rules. Yeah, sure. Stick the unions where the monkey sticks its nuts. Once bitten, twice shy. Cynical perhaps, but unions have destroyed more than they have built. The EU is the prime example, but there are others closer to home.
  22. Yes. Great if you like to be told what you can and cannot do, by your neighbours.
  23. The public were conned big time to get the UK in, and MPs tried the same thing when we voted out. The reason in both cases was, fingers in the pie. Better off out than be dominated by a foreign country.
  24. Yes, it was, for the EU. They have done everything possible to cause major problems in any way possible to tank the UK, and are sick up to their eyeballs because they haven't succeeded. They didn't want us to begin with, then they realised the monitory gains, but were sick as pigs when they lost it though ignorance and their stupid one size fits all attitude. We are well out of it.
  25. All three in my estimation. The idea of removing the trees and then the land slides, it has already happened, so wont happen again. Logical really!!! And we all know how logic works here?
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