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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. I notice the TM 30 is required for a stay of more than 24 hours in another Provence? My wife and I have a residence in one part of the Provence and another residence on the far side of same Provence. Distance apart is 76Km. We spend time at both and on many occasions, more than 24 hours. Am I breaking the law by not submitting a TM 30? Just a thought.

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  2. 33 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    Open a savings account

    I could, but choose not to. It only happened on the one occasion, but as per usual there is always one weak link in the chain. There is also the point, a savings account is more easily accessed than a deposit account. S/A only needs one of either the book over the counter, with a filled form. Or a card at an ATM. A deposit A/C can only be accessed over the counter with the passport the A/C was opened with, even if that passport is out of date, as I found not a week ago when making an inquiry at the bank.

  3. 17 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    I take out 1,000 Baht on the due date so that the due date is noted in the letter and in the bank book, never had an issue with it. Mine is a savings account, not sure if that makes a difference. 

    Yes it does. A fixed deposit at some banks is just that, Fixed. One IO said they couldn't accept my fixed A/C as it didn't show a deposit or withdrawal for that day. When I returned to the bank to make a deposit, the minimum they would accept was 10,000 baht. What does one do? I made the deposit, but when I returned to Immigration I saw a different IO and she said it was not necessary. Left hand and right hand. They just do not have a clue.

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  4. I first left home at 3 years old just after 8am. I spent all day with some nice kids. Then my older sister came to take me home at 4pm. Spoil sport. Mother told me I fell out of the pram at about this time, and broke my collar bone. I think that's about the time she fell out with me. However, I left home at 16 after having spent 3 months with an aunt and uncle. My girlfriend and I set up home and we married at 19. Our son was born in 1964, Sadly my wife died in 1994. I have 2 grand kids and 5 great grand kids, 2 boys and 3 girls, the oldest boy now 13, the youngest girl 5. Love them to bits but don't get to see them so much now I live in Thailand. A good life here over the past 14years with a good family, I hope it continues for many years to come.  

  5. Someone has actually woken up and smelt the coffee at last. Will anything be done about bad drivers? Will a new driving test with meaning ever be introduced? I very much doubt it. To drive on Thailand's roads is a very stressful experience for many of us, who have had a life time of driving in countries where the driving test is strict and laws are applied with vigor.

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  6. On 8/6/2019 at 9:47 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    The EU is talking to the UK since years. They negotiated a deal.

    But now Boris tells the EU: You have to drop the backstop (which both agreed to), otherwise we don't talk to you anymore.

    The EU insists on the backstop because it wants to keep the peace. The EU is also happy to remove the backstop if it is not necessary because the UK stays in the custom union.

    Which part is so difficult to understand for Boris? If he wants a deal then he should go to Brussel and present his sensible deal. I am sure the EU would be delighted to listen to a sensible deal from Boris. Because it would be the first time that Boris even tries to talk to them without mocking them the next day in some UK tabloid.

    You are making assumptions again. The UK did not agree to the Backstop. The agreement was rejected by the UK on three separate occasions in Parliament. Do keep up!

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  7. On 8/6/2019 at 8:12 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    Let's try another example: You go to the car dealer and you tell him: I want a deal. I offer you this great deal. I will give you 10,000USD for this brand new luxury car. I want that deal.

    And then you are somehow disappointed when the car dealer tells you that you can get a new small car for that money or maybe a big used car. But it's impossible that he give you the brand new sports car for 10k.

    And then you walk out complaining that he is the bad guy because he didn't want to deal with you. That bad guy refused your offer. Yeah, sure!

    Which is it, a brand new Luxury car, or a brand new Sports car? Make up you mind then perhaps we could maybe negotiate!

    • Haha 2
  8. The bigger problem with each immigration office is one enforcing and interpreting rules more strictly than others. Not only at different offices but by each officer in one office. Inconsistency is a major cause of confusion and prevalent in each and every district throughout the country, one office to another. I have never had to submit a TM30 in all my years living here, and I travel about quite considerably, including leaving the country and returning with a reentry permit. Perhaps I have been fortunate? Under these circumstances I find it difficult to appreciate the problems suffered by others. However, having read the comments here, I have decided to add my support to the petition.  

  9. If your NBS A/C is registered to an address in Thailand, they will send cards and a card reader to that address.

    As to the verification code system, it is NOT yet in operation, as was stated in the opening page at login.

    I received this information this morning when I logged into my NBS A/C. It states it is soon to be implemented but no date has been set.

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  10. 18 hours ago, FaFaHead said:

    555! I left because of Trump, believe me, I’m not looking forward to the noise in that regard again. I was referring to American order, structure, efficiency. I am a military person and those things are important to me and are sorely lacking here. 

    You make that sound as if you require your life ordered for you, rather than ordering it your self?

    A very narrow outlook, if I may say so?

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  11. 6 hours ago, shackleton said:

    I have already mentioned before about Brexit  not going to be a good thing  for the UK

    especially the exchange rate for expats here ( Pensions ect )  in Thailand and else where 

    The people of the UK voted  to come out of the EU

    Boris has promised to get us out by the 31st October with a deal or no deal

    expect worse for the pound sterling in the near future 


    You may well be right shackleton, but lets pretend for a moment. In 2 years time the pound will have clawed it way back up and you won't know what to do with all that money. Unless of course Corbyn gets the keys to Number 10, and the UK becomes a basket case.

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