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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. I have a Revolut card. However, it is only available with a UK address and phone number. The phone number can be changed, although I can't remember how it is done. I used a family address and my UK Skype number to register. I can transfer cash to the card from my UK bank, using my phone. I can also transfer cash to my card and then on to my Thai bank, using the phone. NO charges but I believe there is a top limit. The card is tap and go and the exchange rate is at the point of sale. Make the payment with the card and the amount you spent is on your phone in seconds, both in Thai Baht and UK pounds.

  2. 22 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Flawed argument: A license is not required for ownership of a vehicle. 


    For anyone who's been here long enough - its pretty obvious the 'good old boy' will soon be spotted pottering along a highway in a beaten up old pickup at 40kmh before he randomly changes lanes to the right most lane and continues pottering along at 40kmh 2km before a U-Turn. 



    I like the 'reaction test' suggestion - everyone should have it, it should be part of the licensing procedure. 


    Self regulation is a great idea, however the society we live in is not civilized enough for this, it will not work:

    - How many of 'you' think you are fine when you are not?

    - How many of you still drive when hungover, or with a stinking cold or the flu?

    - How many still drive after drinking beers and think they are ok because they are not blind drunk ?


    If we are honest, how many times have we driven when we know we really shouldn't have, how many of us don't really recognize when we shouldn't be driving?








    Self regulation as you say, is a great idea, but who regulates the regulator?

    I haven't driven a vehicle in Thailand for almost five years, for two reasons. One, I didn't feel safe on the road. I didn't at the time consider myself to be a bad driver, it was the actions of the clowns I had to contend with each and every day. The other reason was high blood pressure. The cause? Driving. Seriously.

    Four years ago I spent some time in the UK, and felt quite comfortable over the many miles of town and country driving. Last year I spent some more time in the UK, and again considered myself quite in control and capable while driving. To prove the point, my sister has a blood pressure M/c at home, and on my arrival at her home in the UK after having driven for over three hours on UK roads, the blood pressure was normal. On my return to Thailand I don't drive. So yes, I have regulated myself and will not drive here again. The reason now is my age. At 79 I believe I still have all my faculties, my fitness and reaction time is more than acceptable, and i would like it to stay that way for many more years, if possible.

  3. 4 hours ago, Yinn said:

    20.6 to 19. So 35,000 per month will be 1600 less.

    And you will divorce? For 1,600 baht? 

    True love? 

    Maybe get a job/work permit?

    Not the best thought out answer, Yinn. If Keith101 is here on a retirement visa extension, there is no chance of a work permit.

    And it might only be 1600Baht, doesn't sound much in the greater scheme,  but that is 41 Quid to me per month, no small amount when some are only receiving a government pension.

  4. 1 hour ago, 30la said:

    Who has the chance to buy organic products?
    The stale air, the poisoned ground, where can a truly organic cultivation be made?
    The organic is a marketing to rub the money of stupid people.

    Evian, anyone?

  5. 2 hours ago, Bullie said:

    Also seems to clean the insides of English people, given their odd partiality to throwing vinegar on their chips and most other foodstuffs. 

    Life-expectancy has gone sharply down in the U.K. over the last few years, by the way.

    Coincidence? I think not.

    I quite like my chips with Sarsons Malt Vinegar, their not chips otherwise. And life expectancy has nothing to do with vinegar, I used to drink the stuff by the pint and I'm still going strong, thanks.

    • Confused 1
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