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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. Stop them in their tracks. Do your shopping and have it all put through the checkout. Present your PEA/Internet bill to also be paid. If they refuse to accept the bill for payment, just walk away. It will cause a big problem, as they have to close the till and take time to reset, and replace everything back into stock. Do it often enough and they may just see the error of their stupid ways. If challenged, you have removed nothing from the store and committed no crime. What can they do?

  2. 4 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    Happy to be corrected but is not English taught in Thai schools, is English not the Government approved 2nd language of Thailand and that is why ALL the major highways are signposted in English, most buildings and Government buildings etc all have their name in English script not only Thai script .


    Just an observation ????

    most buildings and Government buildings etc all have their name in English script not only Thai script .

    Not in the city where I live, they don't. I can therefore, only assume you live in Bangkok?

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Ventenio said:

    I agree 100%.  If you ever see a girl in a bar being exploited or drinking too much, I must step in!!!!  If i see corruption during a traffic stop, I act!!!  If I see someone burning something, I take action!!! If I see bad products being sold, I protest!!!  If I see any type of reckless driving, I spring to action!!!! 



    If per chance you are the caped crusader, you didn’t get to this one in time.

  4. Not sure about this now, but there was a scheme where the wife could claim £2000 as a one off payment and then be paid, I think, about £50,00/month for two years. The info was available on the gov.uk web site under Bereavement Payments. This was 2015 so things may have changed now.

    • Like 1
  5. On 12/6/2019 at 10:51 AM, BestB said:

    News is incorrect. One of the staff made a post on Facebook stating it took fire brigade 1 hour to arrive from the time they called, because they were all drinking and drunk. Staff claims initially it was small fire and if fireman arrived when called , it would have been contained , but because of delay, almost entire place burned down 

    Who’s surprised, but these things are not important, it’s only someone’s life

    • Like 1
  6. 41 minutes ago, realenglish1 said:

    Native speakers are from Australia the UK and the USA and Canada People from the Philippines are not native speaking To then English is their second language If you want improved  English then hire people from a native speaking country as listed above otherwise you are only going to learn "Pass the sugar"

    Oh! How sweet.????

  7. 11 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    i was in Pattaya for a month on my motorcycle. the roads were all torn up everywhere you looked.

    beach road, second road, everywhere. it rained and beach road flooded. the Chinese tourists were trying to cross the road with traffic backing up.   


    i have been all over Thailand and I don't remember the smell of open sewers like in Pattaya.

    it would hit you in the face everywhere you went.






    I can remember Bangkok smelling like open sewers, 30 years ago. Perhaps Pattaya is looking to be nostalgic?   

  8. 19 hours ago, Creasy said:


    Singapore is the only one that stands out in the region for proper planning and development, said Kevan. “With Singapore, short-term thinking is the next 10 years, long term is 50 years. With virtually every other country in the region short term is yesterday and long term is tomorrow.”


    The Thais can't see past tomorrow, as can be seen in their infrastructure planning 

    Since when did the Thais do infrastructure planning?

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