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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. Fair enough, and i did not state anything as absolute fact. That is a lie and you know it. I was simply saying that not everything was perfect in old societies. And surely not in modern societies. If you are looking for useless arguments, well, I'm not interested.
  2. Now you're ranting. I was only suggesting to be reasonable, and observe facts from different points of view. I also have sympathies, but sympathy should not affect the perception of reality. Emotions are ok, they are part of us, but we should not imho been ruled by emotions. It's your choice, whatever is good for you.
  3. Obvious you say.. It's not so clear cut imho. Some people don't agree with human sacrifice, yet it was apparently a common practice for indigenous people in central America. The myth of the "good savage" is the same as the myth of the "bad savage". The same goes when there are conflicts involving a couple... we tend to have sympathy for the women, but women, imho, can be as nasty as men, although in a more subtle way.
  4. The problem is, who decides what is best for society? As for war crimes, it may depend on who is writing the history, but it's safe to say that a war situation can easily turn good men into monsters. American Indians have been depicted for decades as the "bad guys " and recently it's the opposite. Who is right?
  5. I think the line between normal and abnormal is blurred. Who decides what is normal? Adaptation is often seen as a sign of intelligence, but that's quite debatable.
  6. Yes, that's a magnificent tool to uncover many mysteries, both outside and inside, and in between ????
  7. Yes, when i say in between, i mean various combinations, but mainly the relationship between in an out. In other words, if you can examine an object (material) a sensation (animic) or a concept (spiritual) through as many as you can different points of view, you can get closer to the objective reality.
  8. Really ? You are wrong again then. You are contradicting yourself in just 6 lines. Well done ! ???? Fyi, i, and many others, are looking in and out and between. It's not difficult, you can try too ????
  9. I respect your opinions, i was just pointing out at the over-simplification in dividing the humans in 2 categories, where my point is that there are infinite ( yes, like God) categories. Tomorrow i can be a totally different person from yesterday. Even if we look at some theory of natural science, where apparently the cells of our bodies completely renew every 7 years or so.... ...so, technically, after 7 years your body is a different body.. Well, if you understand my point, fine, otherwise, fine ????
  10. Yes, thanks for clarifying . So in fact you are saying now that every man of woman are different, and extremes are dangerous. Ok, it makes sense. I also don't like very much extremists, persons or ideals, but they exist, and it would be unethical for my principles to suppress them. Any suppression implies extreme intolerance. Do we really want to go there ?
  11. I don't recognize myself in your categories. So there are at least 3 categories . I think you are over simplifying, as I'll get never tired to repeat, our individual consciousness makes everyone, everyone extremely different. I'm a bit surprised that you cannot see it. Btw, which category are you ?
  12. Thanks for the morning giggle ???? Yes, maybe but maybe not. Why divide humans in 2 categories? That's very unscientific imho, even a peasant would raise an eyebrow ????
  13. Really? 2 ways to look at life ? Just look at this thread, which is a sort of microcosm, and you will find all kind of ways to look at life. In fact, in a way, every man or woman is a species in itself. Pls excuse the short post ????
  14. That's unfair imho. What exactly would you expect God to do for you, if i may ask ?
  15. Yes, there's a saying "will is power" that sums it pretty well. Now, someone says that thoughts are electrical impulses produced by the brain, but if will power can shape the thought, where does the will power come from?
  16. Perhaps we have to experience and study separation (duality) to understand unity ? Not sure why, but if you are not a believer already, you seem to be very near to become one.
  17. Every one look for happiness in their own way. Who i am to judge ? How can i judge other people's lives if i don't remove the beam which is in my eye ?
  18. I would say it's exactly like that. Suffering is very common on this planet, and we have to develop the ability of using it as a sort of spring to jump to a better reality. Sometimes things take time, but, speaking strictly for myself, there is only 1 way, and it is up.
  19. There must be something good in your existence which deserves your love. Our minds are like gardens, just take the tools, tend the good plants and get rid, or exert control on the bad ones.
  20. That's a fair perception of the reality of nature. However, we are given the concept of "justice" for a reason. Once one has observed how different forces and realities work, one will have to choose a side. Sitting on the fence is fine, but it's not enough of a reason for existing. I believe that one can temporarily lose his path while looking for the truth, however, if one's effort is sincere, the truth itself will correct one's mistakes.
  21. That's wicked science imho. A tool for a few oligarchs to turn the masses into submission. I think it will be a hard fight, but truth always wins. It cannot be otherwise. And the truth is that the man is not born to be a slave.
  22. Good man. Recently i heard what Bob Dylan had to say about him, not just a fine and innovative musician, but in general a lovely person. It has to be said though, that he chose heroin, like many of our generation, to come to terms with the wickedness of the world, so superman he was not.
  23. That's tricky, i think there's not 'black and white ' so to speak, but i am not too hopeful. On cynicism, which i prefer to call being realistic, i think that's a phase. I'm trying, with some success, to improve myself, without worrying about what others think or do, as it's not wise to take on our shoulders the weight of all the madness in this world. If that's cynicism, well then I'm cynical too.
  24. Yes, that was mainly what i was referring to. What can we do if not try to help ourselves as best as we can ?
  25. Hi Rumak, nice to see you again. What's going on ? @Tippaporn was not saying anything offensive, i am surprised, btw we are of the same tribe, intellectually speaking ????
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