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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. That's interesting, personally i think that consciousness exists independently from me or you, and possibly independently from humans in general.
  2. Did you understand yet that evolution is a theory and not a fact ? I'm asking because I'm not sure it's worth to answer your questions. And that is putting it lightly. Also, the serial use of negative emojis is the lowest level of trolling imho, and it says something about you and the onefarang guy.
  3. You can spend your energy as you like, personally i find debating useful and rather entertaining. Your definitions of god and religion are interesting, but surely debatable.. .. unless you think you have the truth in your pocket ????
  4. Sure, although it may be painful to watch humanity and humankind going down the drain, and possibly getting caught in that stream, we still have the power to awake ourselves. A physical body is just a cloth after all, it's wise not to get too attached.
  5. I could not have said it better. Morals are incredibly underrated these days. Yet, as someone said, we collectively need a taste of hell, so to know heaven; in this picture, we are living a phase of materialism, which is precursor of an era of enlightenment. I believe that human's evolution travels with waves and cycles, all we have to do is enjoying the ride as much as we can.
  6. I made that very same point many times, and all i have heard has been deafening silence ????
  7. Well, to cut a long story short, my impression is that profit, in this era, has become such a religion for so many, that even the noblest of sciences are in danger to be used by few for the detriment of many. Yet i have hope that, after hitting the bottom, an era of higher consciousness will follow. Nothing against nuclear science, or medical science, or any science, but unfortunately, it may happen with any tool, even science can be misused.
  8. Is it allowed to criticize scientists if they work against the well being of mankind? Nothing personal, of course, but no one, imho, is above critical thinking.
  9. I do ! I love plants and trees, their life is amazing. The life which is pulsating everywhere is evidence of a careful, artistic design. To think that it happens randomly is just unlikely.
  10. I want to spend a couple of words to compliment @sunmaster's and @tippaporn's posts. Excellent posts, all well written, reasonable and clear. I'm increasingly aware, as i follow my path, that a great majority of the people we see is deeply stuck in a materialistic illusion, like a sort of bubble. They cannot see beyond that bubble, which looks literally as a cage for the thought. Sometimes it seems that it's useless to talk to them. More often than not, it seems just wasted time. Well, for what is worth, it's a great pleasure for me to read your literary efforts ????
  11. Nice try, but you'd better check your "facts". Now i know that you don't really care about science, you are just posing, and I'm not surprised in the slightest.
  12. Lol, apart from your hate for reading, your disbelief in afterlife and supernatural intelligent design, i would say that we are on the same page ????
  13. It's ok to be ignorant, but it's nothing to be so proud . Evolution of the species is a theory, not a law and not a fact. There are flaws in that theory, if you are truly interested in science, and not just posing, you'll find out by yourself.
  14. I don't need to convince anyone, not even myself. Lies, even repeated a million times don't become truth. The "insignificant gaps" as you describe them, are not insignificant. Poor Darwin didn't know, but you have no excuses. Where did you take that funny 99% figure, perhaps some tv movie, or some comic magazine? If you can read, read more, it's not wasted time, i promise ????
  15. I and many others, including scientists, have many unanswered questions about the theory of evolution. A simple and short Google search is just what you need to do. Glad to help ????
  16. Yes, asteroids, earthquakes mega-tsunamis have routinely create many effects on the planet, thus, in all likeness, evolutionary developments or regressions and even disapperances. Yet evolutionary science and literature don't have all the answers, and the more the answers, the more the questions. The search for the so called missing ring will go on for long, and perhaps there's no missing ring to be found. Actually we should give more respect and study the old legends, which go back to 1000s years before the invention of the script, instead of ridiculing them. I completely disagree with your description of h.sapiens as a "fluke" ????
  17. Well, you cannot blame religion for that.
  18. You make many good points, and i agree with most of it. Perhaps we have just a different concept of what "sense" and "reality " represent. ????
  19. I addressed the point . The evidence is clear, but you don't want to see it. We can see in history that the majority of the people are tricked into being followers, and this is happening while we're talking. If you, or me, or others, for some reason, decide to be a follower, we are entering the cage of the brainwashed. More or less consciously. Personally i think it's important, at some stage of one's life, to ask oneself some questions: like "how did i get here ?" etc
  20. I told you that you are brainwashed by technology ????
  21. I think that's very good. History repeats itself, so we can learn, and hopefully, some day, fully understand. Agree with the rest of the post.
  22. Of course religion was used to unite the tribes into kingdoms, and kingdoms into empires. In the same way religion was used to convince all those people to accept money as the currency of such empires. You can think that religion is a bunch of lies, but the fact is that there would not be a modern society without it. Now, sometimes i don't like central governments and modern society, but it's impossible to go back in those times, unless some asteroide strikes really hard????
  23. That expression sounds dumb to you because you don't understand it. An example? In old times people were brainwashed by dishonest priests, now they are brainwashed by technology. In other words, form changes, but the substance stays the same????
  24. That's controversial. Some authorities and some laws deserve respect, other don't. We could argue for ages. Not trusting strangers sounds very tribal, there are other ways to determine trust. All you said is debatable although in general it makes some sense. Sorry, i get your drift, but no cigar.????
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